Letter R
Packages beginning with letter "R".
- ragel - Finite state machine compiler
- rh-qpid-cpp-tests - Internal Red Hat test utilities
- rhm-docs - Red Hat Enterprize MRG 2 Messaging Installation and Configuration Guide
- rt-firmware - This package contains a version of the linux-firmware tree for MRG Realtime
- rt-setup - Setup RT environment details
- rt-tests - Programs that test various rt-features
- rtcheck - Test the running system for real-time capabilities
- rtctl - Scripts for controlling scheduling priorities of system threads
- rteval - Utility to evaluate system suitability for RT Linux
- rteval-common - Common rteval files
- rteval-loads - Source files for rteval loads
- ruby-condor-wallaby - Tools for use with wallaby shell
- ruby-hpricot - Non-Gem support package for hpricot
- ruby-json - Non-Gem support package for json
- ruby-nokogiri - Non-Gem support package for nokogiri
- ruby-qpid-qmf - The QPID Management Framework bindings for ruby
- ruby-rhubarb - Simple versioned object-graph persistence layer
- ruby-saslwrapper - Ruby bindings for saslwrapper.
- ruby-spqr - SPQR: {Schema Processor|Straightforward Publishing} for QMF agents in Ruby
- ruby-sqlite3 - Allows Ruby scripts to interface with a SQLite3 database
- ruby-wallaby - Wallaby implementation libraries, API, and client library
- rubygem-RedCloth - Textile parser for Ruby
- rubygem-actionmailer - Service layer for easy email delivery and testing
- rubygem-actionpack - Web-flow and rendering framework putting the VC in MVC
- rubygem-activesupport - Support and utility classes used by the Rails framework
- rubygem-daemons - A toolkit to create and control daemons in different ways
- rubygem-eventmachine - Ruby/EventMachine library
- rubygem-fssm - File system state monitor
- rubygem-haml - An elegant, structured XHTML/XML templating engine
- rubygem-hoe - Hoe is a simple rake/rubygems helper for project Rakefiles
- rubygem-hoe-doc - Documentation for rubygem-hoe
- rubygem-hpricot - A Fast, Enjoyable HTML Parser for Ruby
- rubygem-hpricot-doc - Documentation for rubygem-hpricot
- rubygem-json - A JSON implementation in Ruby
- rubygem-maruku - Maruku is a Markdown-superset interpreter written in Ruby
- rubygem-mime-types - Return the MIME Content-Type for a given filename
- rubygem-mime-types-doc - Documentation for rubygem-mime-types
- rubygem-minitest - Small and fast replacement for ruby's huge and slow test/unit
- rubygem-minitest-doc - Documentation for rubygem-minitest
- rubygem-mocha - Mocking and stubbing library
- rubygem-net-ssh - Net::SSH: a pure-Ruby implementation of the SSH2 client protocol
- rubygem-net-ssh-doc - Documentation for rubygem-net-ssh
- rubygem-nokogiri - An HTML, XML, SAX, and Reader parser
- rubygem-nokogiri-doc - Documentation for rubygem-nokogiri
- rubygem-rack - Common API for connecting web frameworks, web servers and layers of software
- rubygem-rack-accept - HTTP Accept* for Ruby/Rack
- rubygem-rack-accept-doc - Documentation for rack-accept
- rubygem-rails - Web-application framework
- rubygem-rake-compiler - Rake-based Ruby C Extension task generator
- rubygem-rake-compiler-doc - Documentation for rubygem-rake-compiler
- rubygem-rest-client - Simple REST client for Ruby, inspired by microframework syntax for specifying actions
- rubygem-rspec - Behaviour driven development (BDD) framework for Ruby
- rubygem-rubyforge - A script which automates a limited set of rubyforge operations
- rubygem-sass - A powerful but elegant CSS compiler that makes CSS fun again
- rubygem-sass-doc - Documentation for rubygem-sass
- rubygem-sinatra - Ruby-based web application framework
- rubygem-syntax - Ruby library for performing simple syntax highlighting
- rubygem-thin - A thin and fast web server
- rubygem-thin-doc - Documentation for rubygem-thin
- rubygem-tilt - Generic interface to multiple Ruby template engines
- rubygem-tilt-doc - Documentation for rubygem-tilt
- rubygem-yard - Documentation tool for consistent and usable documentation in Ruby
- rubygems - The Ruby standard for packaging ruby libraries