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CentOS 7 - CR for x86_64: applications/internet


  • curl - A utility for getting files from remote servers (FTP, HTTP, and others)
  • esc - Enterprise Security Client Smart Card Client
  • icedtea-web - Additional Java components for OpenJDK - Java browser plug-in and Web Start implementation
  • lftp - A sophisticated file transfer program
  • lftp-scripts - Scripts for lftp
  • mailman - Mailing list manager with built in Web access
  • mutt - A text mode mail user agent
  • rsync - A program for synchronizing files over a network
  • spice-gtk-tools - Spice-gtk tools
  • telnet - The client program for the Telnet remote login protocol
  • tomcat-webapps - The ROOT and examples web applications for Apache Tomcat
  • wireshark - Network traffic analyzer
  • wireshark-gnome - Gnome desktop integration for wireshark
  • xchat - A popular and easy to use graphical IRC (chat) client
  • xchat-tcl - Tcl script plugin for X-Chat

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