Letter C
Packages beginning with letter "C".
- certmonger - Certificate status monitor and PKI enrollment client
- cloud-init - Cloud instance init scripts
- cmirror - Daemon for device-mapper-based clustered mirrors
- cockpit - Web Console for Linux servers
- cockpit-bridge - Cockpit bridge server-side component
- cockpit-doc - Cockpit deployment and developer guide
- cockpit-machines-ovirt - Cockpit user interface for oVirt virtual machines
- cockpit-system - Cockpit admin interface package for configuring and troubleshooting a system
- cockpit-ws - Cockpit Web Service
- colord - Color daemon
- colord-devel - Development package for colord
- colord-devel-docs - Developer documentation package for colord
- colord-extra-profiles - More color profiles for color management that are less commonly used
- colord-libs - Color daemon library
- conntrack-tools - Manipulate netfilter connection tracking table and run High Availability
- control-center - Utilities to configure the GNOME desktop
- control-center-filesystem - GNOME Control Center directories
- corosync - The Corosync Cluster Engine and Application Programming Interfaces
- corosync-qdevice - The Corosync Cluster Engine Qdevice
- corosync-qnetd - The Corosync Cluster Engine Qdevice Network Daemon
- corosynclib - The Corosync Cluster Engine Libraries
- corosynclib-devel - The Corosync Cluster Engine Development Kit
- cryptsetup - A utility for setting up encrypted disks
- cryptsetup-devel - Headers and libraries for using encrypted file systems
- cryptsetup-libs - Cryptsetup shared library
- cryptsetup-python - Python bindings for libcryptsetup
- cryptsetup-reencrypt - A utility for offline reencryption of LUKS encrypted disks.
- ctdb - A Clustered Database based on Samba's Trivial Database (TDB)
- ctdb-tests - CTDB clustered database test suite
- cups - CUPS printing system
- cups-client - CUPS printing system - client programs
- cups-devel - CUPS printing system - development environment
- cups-filesystem - CUPS printing system - directory layout
- cups-ipptool - CUPS printing system - tool for performing IPP requests
- cups-libs - CUPS printing system - libraries
- cups-lpd - CUPS printing system - lpd emulation
- curl - A utility for getting files from remote servers (FTP, HTTP, and others)