Letter P
Packages beginning with letter "P".
- PackageKit - Package management service
- PackageKit-backend-devel - Headers to compile out of tree PackageKit backends
- PackageKit-browser-plugin - Browser Plugin for PackageKit
- PackageKit-command-not-found - Ask the user to install command line programs automatically
- PackageKit-cron - Cron job and related utilities for PackageKit
- PackageKit-debug-install - Facility to install debugging packages using PackageKit
- PackageKit-device-rebind - Device rebind functionality for PackageKit
- PackageKit-docs - Documentation for PackageKit
- PackageKit-glib - GLib libraries for accessing PackageKit
- PackageKit-glib-devel - GLib Libraries and headers for PackageKit
- PackageKit-gstreamer-plugin - Install GStreamer codecs using PackageKit
- PackageKit-gtk3-module - Install fonts automatically using PackageKit
- PackageKit-yum - PackageKit YUM backend
- PackageKit-yum-plugin - Tell PackageKit to check for updates when yum exits
- PyGreSQL - A Python client library for PostgreSQL
- PyOpenGL - Python bindings for OpenGL
- PyOpenGL-Tk - PyOpenGL OpenGL Tk widget
- PyPAM - PAM bindings for Python
- PyQt4 - Python bindings for Qt4
- PyQt4-devel - Files needed to build other bindings based on Qt4
- PyYAML - YAML parser and emitter for Python
- p11-kit - Library for loading and sharing PKCS#11 modules
- p11-kit-devel - Development files for p11-kit
- p11-kit-doc - Documentation files for p11-kit
- p11-kit-trust - System trust module from p11-kit
- pacemaker - Scalable High-Availability cluster resource manager
- pacemaker-cli - Command line tools for controlling Pacemaker clusters
- pacemaker-cluster-libs - Cluster Libraries used by Pacemaker
- pacemaker-cts - Test framework for cluster-related technologies like Pacemaker
- pacemaker-doc - Documentation for Pacemaker
- pacemaker-libs - Core Pacemaker libraries
- pacemaker-libs-devel - Pacemaker development package
- pacemaker-remote - Pacemaker remote daemon for non-cluster nodes
- pakchois - A wrapper library for PKCS#11
- pakchois-devel - Development library and C header files for the pakchois library
- paktype-naqsh-fonts - Fonts for Arabic from PakType
- paktype-naskh-basic-fonts - Fonts for Arabic, Farsi, Urdu and Sindhi from PakType
- paktype-tehreer-fonts - Fonts for Arabic from PakType
- pam - An extensible library which provides authentication for applications
- pam-devel - Files needed for developing PAM-aware applications and modules for PAM
- pam_krb5 - A Pluggable Authentication Module for Kerberos 5
- pam_pkcs11 - PKCS #11/NSS PAM login module
- pam_snapper - PAM module for calling snapper
- pam_ssh_agent_auth - PAM module for authentication with ssh-agent
- pango - System for layout and rendering of internationalized text
- pango-devel - Development files for pango
- pangomm - C++ interface for Pango
- pangomm-devel - Headers for developing programs that will use pangomm
- pangomm-doc - Developer's documentation for the pangomm library
- papi - Performance Application Programming Interface
- papi-devel - Header files for the compiling programs with PAPI
- papi-static - Static libraries for the compiling programs with PAPI
- papi-testsuite - Set of tests for checking PAPI functionality
- paps - Plain Text to PostScript converter
- paps-devel - Development files for paps
- paps-libs - Libraries for paps
- paratype-pt-sans-caption-fonts - A pan-Cyrillic typeface (caption forms for small text)
- paratype-pt-sans-fonts - A pan-Cyrillic typeface
- parted - The GNU disk partition manipulation program
- parted-devel - Files for developing apps which will manipulate disk partitions
- passivetex - Macros to process XSL formatting objects
- passwd - An utility for setting or changing passwords using PAM
- patch - Utility for modifying/upgrading files
- patchutils - A collection of programs for manipulating patch files
- pax - POSIX File System Archiver
- pciutils - PCI bus related utilities
- pciutils-devel - Linux PCI development library
- pciutils-devel-static - Linux PCI static library
- pciutils-libs - Linux PCI library
- pcp - System-level performance monitoring and performance management
- pcp-conf - Performance Co-Pilot run-time configuration
- pcp-doc - Documentation and tutorial for the Performance Co-Pilot
- pcp-gui - Visualization tools for the Performance Co-Pilot toolkit
- pcp-import-collectl2pcp - Performance Co-Pilot tools for importing collectl log files into PCP archive logs
- pcp-import-iostat2pcp - Performance Co-Pilot tools for importing iostat data into PCP archive logs
- pcp-import-mrtg2pcp - Performance Co-Pilot tools for importing MTRG data into PCP archive logs
- pcp-import-sar2pcp - Performance Co-Pilot tools for importing sar data into PCP archive logs
- pcp-libs - Performance Co-Pilot run-time libraries
- pcp-libs-devel - Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) development headers and documentation
- pcp-manager - Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) manager daemon
- pcp-pmda-infiniband - Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) metrics for Infiniband HCAs and switches
- pcp-pmda-papi - Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) metrics for Performance API and hardware counters
- pcp-testsuite - Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) test suite
- pcp-webapi - Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) web API service
- pcp-webjs - Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) web applications
- pcre - Perl-compatible regular expression library
- pcre-devel - Development files for pcre
- pcre-static - Static library for pcre
- pcre-tools - Auxiliary utilities for pcre
- pcs - Pacemaker Configuration System
- pcsc-lite - PC/SC Lite smart card framework and applications
- pcsc-lite-ccid - Generic USB CCID smart card reader driver
- pcsc-lite-devel - PC/SC Lite development files
- pcsc-lite-doc - PC/SC Lite developer documentation
- pcsc-lite-libs - PC/SC Lite libraries
- pentaho-libxml - Namespace aware SAX-Parser utility library
- pentaho-libxml-javadoc - Javadoc for pentaho-libxml
- pentaho-reporting-flow-engine - Pentaho Flow Reporting Engine
- pentaho-reporting-flow-engine-javadoc - Javadoc for pentaho-reporting-flow-engine
- perf - Performance monitoring for the Linux kernel
- perftest - IB Performance Tests
- perl - Practical Extraction and Report Language
- perl-Algorithm-Diff - Algorithm::Diff Perl module
- perl-App-cpanminus - Get, unpack, build and install CPAN modules
- perl-AppConfig - Perl module for reading configuration files
- perl-Archive-Extract - Generic archive extracting mechanism
- perl-Archive-Tar - A module for Perl manipulation of .tar files
- perl-Archive-Zip - Perl library for accessing Zip archives
- perl-Authen-SASL - SASL Authentication framework for Perl
- perl-B-Keywords - Lists of reserved barewords and symbol names
- perl-B-Lint - Perl lint
- perl-Bit-Vector - Efficient bit vector, set of integers and "big int" math library
- perl-Browser-Open - Open a browser in a given URL
- perl-Business-ISBN - Perl module to work with International Standard Book Numbers
- perl-Business-ISBN-Data - The data pack for Business::ISBN
- perl-CGI - Handle Common Gateway Interface requests and responses
- perl-CGI-Session - Persistent session data in CGI applications
- perl-CPAN - Query, download and build perl modules from CPAN sites
- perl-CPAN-Changes - Read and write Changes files
- perl-CPAN-Meta - Distribution metadata for a CPAN dist
- perl-CPAN-Meta-Requirements - Set of version requirements for a CPAN dist
- perl-CPAN-Meta-YAML - Read and write a subset of YAML for CPAN Meta files
- perl-CPANPLUS - Ameliorated interface to the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network
- perl-CPANPLUS-Dist-Build - Module::Build extension for CPANPLUS
- perl-CSS-Tiny - Read/Write .css files with as little code as possible
- perl-Capture-Tiny - Capture STDOUT and STDERR from Perl, XS or external programs
- perl-Carp - Alternative warn and die for modules
- perl-Carp-Clan - Perl module to print improved warning messages
- perl-Class-Data-Inheritable - Inheritable, overridable class data
- perl-Class-ISA - Report the search path for a class's ISA tree
- perl-Class-Inspector - Get information about a class and its structure
- perl-Class-Load - A working (require "Class::Name") and more
- perl-Class-Load-XS - XS implementation of parts of Class::Load
- perl-Class-Singleton - Implementation of a "Singleton" class
- perl-Clone - Recursively copy perl data types
- perl-Compress-Raw-Bzip2 - Low-level interface to bzip2 compression library
- perl-Compress-Raw-Zlib - Low-level interface to the zlib compression library
- perl-Config-Simple - Simple configuration file class
- perl-Config-Tiny - Perl module for reading and writing .ini style configuration files
- perl-Convert-ASN1 - ASN.1 Encode/Decode library
- perl-Crypt-CBC - Encrypt Data with Cipher Block Chaining Mode
- perl-Crypt-DES - Perl DES encryption module
- perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Bignum - Perl interface to OpenSSL for Bignum
- perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-RSA - Perl interface to OpenSSL for RSA
- perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Random - Perl interface to OpenSSL for Random
- perl-Crypt-PasswdMD5 - Provides interoperable MD5-based crypt() functions
- perl-Crypt-SSLeay - Crypt::SSLeay - OpenSSL glue that provides LWP https support
- perl-DBD-MySQL - A MySQL interface for Perl
- perl-DBD-Pg - A PostgreSQL interface for perl
- perl-DBD-Pg-tests - Test suite for package perl-DBD-Pg
- perl-DBD-SQLite - SQLite DBI Driver
- perl-DBI - A database access API for perl
- perl-DBIx-Simple - Easy-to-use OO interface to DBI
- perl-DB_File - Perl5 access to Berkeley DB version 1.x
- perl-Data-Dumper - Stringify perl data structures, suitable for printing and eval
- perl-Data-OptList - Parse and validate simple name/value option pairs
- perl-Data-Peek - Collection of low-level debug facilities
- perl-Date-Calc - Gregorian calendar date calculations
- perl-Date-Manip - Date manipulation routines
- perl-DateTime - Date and time object
- perl-DateTime-Format-DateParse - Parse Date::Parse compatible formats
- perl-DateTime-Locale - Localization support for DateTime.pm
- perl-DateTime-TimeZone - Time zone object base class and factory
- perl-Devel-CheckLib - Check that a library is available
- perl-Devel-Cover - Code coverage metrics for Perl
- perl-Devel-Cycle - Find memory cycles in objects
- perl-Devel-EnforceEncapsulation - Find access violations to blessed objects
- perl-Devel-Leak - Utility for looking for perl objects that are not reclaimed
- perl-Devel-StackTrace - Perl module implementing stack trace and stack trace frame objects
- perl-Devel-Symdump - A Perl module for inspecting Perl's symbol table
- perl-Digest - Modules that calculate message digests
- perl-Digest-HMAC - Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication
- perl-Digest-MD5 - Perl interface to the MD5 algorithm
- perl-Digest-SHA - Perl extension for SHA-1/224/256/384/512
- perl-Digest-SHA1 - Digest-SHA1 Perl module
- perl-Dist-CheckConflicts - Declare version conflicts for your dist
- perl-Email-Address - RFC 2822 Address Parsing and Creation
- perl-Encode - Character encodings in Perl
- perl-Encode-Detect - Encode::Encoding subclass that detects the encoding of data
- perl-Encode-Locale - Determine the locale encoding
- perl-Encode-devel - Perl Encode Module Generator
- perl-Env - Perl module that imports environment variables as scalars or arrays
- perl-Error - Error/exception handling in an OO-ish way
- perl-Exception-Class - Module that allows you to declare real exception classes in Perl
- perl-Exporter - Implements default import method for modules
- perl-ExtUtils-CBuilder - Compile and link C code for Perl modules
- perl-ExtUtils-Embed - Utilities for embedding Perl in C/C++ applications
- perl-ExtUtils-Install - Install files from here to there
- perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker - Create a module Makefile
- perl-ExtUtils-Manifest - Utilities to write and check a MANIFEST file
- perl-ExtUtils-ParseXS - Module and a script for converting Perl XS code into C code
- perl-FCGI - FastCGI Perl bindings
- perl-File-CheckTree - Run many file-test checks on a tree
- perl-File-Copy-Recursive - Extension for recursively copying files and directories
- perl-File-Fetch - Generic file fetching mechanism
- perl-File-Find-Rule - Perl module implementing an alternative interface to File::Find
- perl-File-Find-Rule-Perl - Common rules for searching for Perl things
- perl-File-HomeDir - Find your home and other directories on any platform
- perl-File-Inplace - Perl module for in-place editing of files
- perl-File-Listing - Parse directory listing
- perl-File-Path - Create or remove directory trees
- perl-File-Remove - Convenience module for removing files and directories
- perl-File-ShareDir - Locate per-dist and per-module shared files
- perl-File-Slurp - Efficient Reading/Writing of Complete Files
- perl-File-Temp - Return name and handle of a temporary file safely
- perl-File-Which - Portable implementation of the 'which' utility
- perl-File-pushd - Change directory temporarily for a limited scope
- perl-Filter - Perl source filters
- perl-Font-AFM - Perl interface to Adobe Font Metrics files
- perl-Font-TTF - Perl library for modifying TTF font files
- perl-FreezeThaw - Convert Perl structures to strings and back
- perl-GD - Perl interface to the GD graphics library
- perl-GD-Barcode - Create barcode image with GD
- perl-GSSAPI - Perl extension providing access to the GSSAPIv2 library
- perl-Getopt-Long - Extended processing of command line options
- perl-Git - Perl interface to Git
- perl-Git-SVN - Perl interface to Git::SVN
- perl-HTML-Format - HTML formatter modules
- perl-HTML-FormatText-WithLinks - HTML to text conversion with links as footnotes
- perl-HTML-FormatText-WithLinks-AndTables - Converts HTML to Text with tables in tact
- perl-HTML-Parser - Perl module for parsing HTML
- perl-HTML-Tagset - HTML::Tagset - data tables useful in parsing HTML
- perl-HTML-Tree - HTML tree handling modules for Perl
- perl-HTTP-Cookies - HTTP cookie jars
- perl-HTTP-Daemon - Simple HTTP server class
- perl-HTTP-Date - Date conversion routines
- perl-HTTP-Message - HTTP style message
- perl-HTTP-Negotiate - Choose a variant to serve
- perl-HTTP-Tiny - Small, simple, correct HTTP/1.1 client
- perl-Hook-LexWrap - Lexically scoped subroutine wrappers
- perl-IO-CaptureOutput - Capture STDOUT/STDERR from sub-processes and XS/C modules
- perl-IO-Compress - Read and write compressed data
- perl-IO-HTML - Open an HTML file with automatic character set detection
- perl-IO-Socket-INET6 - Perl Object interface for AF_INET|AF_INET6 domain sockets
- perl-IO-Socket-IP - Drop-in replacement for IO::Socket::INET supporting both IPv4 and IPv6
- perl-IO-Socket-SSL - Perl library for transparent SSL
- perl-IO-String - Emulate file interface for in-core strings
- perl-IO-Tty - Perl interface to pseudo tty's
- perl-IO-Zlib - Perl IO:: style interface to Compress::Zlib
- perl-IO-stringy - I/O on in-core objects like strings and arrays for Perl
- perl-IPC-Cmd - Finding and running system commands made easy
- perl-IPC-Run - Perl module for interacting with child processes
- perl-IPC-Run3 - Run a subprocess in batch mode
- perl-Image-Base - Base class for loading, manipulating and saving images in Perl
- perl-Image-Info - Image meta information extraction module for Perl
- perl-Image-Xbm - Load, create, manipulate and save xbm image files in Perl
- perl-Image-Xpm - Load, create, manipulate and save xpm image files in Perl
- perl-Inline - Write Perl subroutines in other programming languages
- perl-Inline-Files - Allows for multiple inline files in a single perl file
- perl-JSON - Parse and convert to JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)
- perl-JSON-PP - JSON::XS compatible pure-Perl module
- perl-JSON-tests - Test suite for package perl-JSON
- perl-LDAP - LDAP Perl module
- perl-LWP-MediaTypes - Guess media type for a file or a URL
- perl-LWP-Protocol-https - Provide HTTPS support for LWP::UserAgent
- perl-List-MoreUtils - Provide the stuff missing in List::Util
- perl-Locale-Codes - Distribution of modules to handle locale codes
- perl-Locale-Maketext - Framework for localization
- perl-Locale-Maketext-Gettext - Joins the gettext and Maketext frameworks
- perl-Locale-Maketext-Simple - Simple interface to Locale::Maketext::Lexicon
- perl-Locale-PO - Perl module for manipulating .po entries from GNU gettext
- perl-Log-Message - Generic message storing mechanism
- perl-Log-Message-Simple - Simplified interface to Log::Message
- perl-Mail-DKIM - Sign and verify Internet mail with DKIM/DomainKey signatures
- perl-Mail-SPF - Object-oriented implementation of Sender Policy Framework
- perl-MailTools - Various mail-related perl modules
- perl-Mixin-Linewise - Write your linewise code for handles; this does the rest
- perl-Module-Build - Build and install Perl modules
- perl-Module-CoreList - Perl core modules indexed by perl versions
- perl-Module-Implementation - Loads one of several alternate underlying implementations for a module
- perl-Module-Install - Standalone, extensible Perl module installer
- perl-Module-Load - Run-time require of both modules and files
- perl-Module-Load-Conditional - Looking up module information and loading at run-time
- perl-Module-Loaded - Mark modules as loaded or unloaded
- perl-Module-Manifest - Parse and examine a Perl distribution MANIFEST file
- perl-Module-Metadata - Gather package and POD information from perl module files
- perl-Module-Pluggable - Automatically give your module the ability to have plugins
- perl-Module-Runtime - Runtime module handling
- perl-Module-ScanDeps - Recursively scan Perl code for dependencies
- perl-Module-Signature - CPAN signature management utilities and modules
- perl-Mozilla-CA - Mozilla's CA cert bundle in PEM format
- perl-Mozilla-LDAP - LDAP Perl module that wraps the OpenLDAP C SDK
- perl-Net-DNS - DNS resolver modules for Perl
- perl-Net-DNS-Nameserver - DNS server for Perl
- perl-Net-DNS-Resolver-Programmable - Programmable DNS resolver class for offline emulation of DNS
- perl-Net-Daemon - Perl extension for portable daemons
- perl-Net-HTTP - Low-level HTTP connection (client)
- perl-Net-LibIDN - Perl bindings for GNU LibIDN
- perl-Net-SMTP-SSL - SSL support for Net::SMTP
- perl-Net-SSLeay - Perl extension for using OpenSSL
- perl-Net-Telnet - Net-Telnet Perl module
- perl-NetAddr-IP - Manages IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and subnets
- perl-Newt - Perl bindings for the Newt library
- perl-Number-Compare - Perl module for numeric comparisons
- perl-Object-Accessor - Perl module that allows per object accessors
- perl-Object-Deadly - Perl module providing an object that dies whenever examined
- perl-PAR-Dist - Toolkit for creating and manipulating Perl PAR distributions
- perl-PCP-LogImport - Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) Perl bindings for importing external data into PCP archives
- perl-PCP-LogSummary - Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) Perl bindings for post-processing output of pmlogsummary
- perl-PCP-MMV - Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) Perl bindings for PCP Memory Mapped Values
- perl-PCP-PMDA - Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) Perl bindings and documentation
- perl-PPI - Parse, Analyze and Manipulate Perl
- perl-PPI-HTML - Generate syntax-highlighted HTML for Perl using PPI
- perl-PPIx-Regexp - Represent a regular expression of some sort
- perl-PPIx-Utilities - Extensions to PPI
- perl-Package-Constants - List all constants declared in a package
- perl-Package-DeprecationManager - Manage deprecation warnings for your distribution
- perl-Package-Generator - Generate new packages quickly and easily
- perl-Package-Stash - Routines for manipulating stashes
- perl-Package-Stash-XS - Faster and more correct implementation of the Package::Stash API
- perl-PadWalker - Play with other peoples' lexical variables
- perl-Parallel-Iterator - Simple parallel execution
- perl-Params-Check - Generic input parsing/checking mechanism
- perl-Params-Util - Simple standalone parameter-checking functions
- perl-Params-Validate - Params-Validate Perl module
- perl-Parse-CPAN-Meta - Parse META.yml and META.json CPAN meta-data files
- perl-Parse-RecDescent - Generate Recursive-Descent Parsers
- perl-Parse-Yapp - Perl extension for generating and using LALR parsers
- perl-PathTools - PathTools Perl module (Cwd, File::Spec)
- perl-Perl-Critic - Critique Perl source code for best-practices
- perl-Perl-Critic-More - Supplemental policies for Perl::Critic
- perl-Perl-MinimumVersion - Find a minimum required version of perl for Perl code
- perl-Perl-OSType - Map Perl operating system names to generic types
- perl-PlRPC - Interface for writing PlRPC clients and servers
- perl-Pod-Checker - Check POD documents for syntax errors
- perl-Pod-Coverage - Checks if the documentation of a module is comprehensive
- perl-Pod-Coverage-TrustPod - Allow a module's pod to contain Pod::Coverage hints
- perl-Pod-Escapes - Perl module for resolving POD escape sequences
- perl-Pod-Eventual - Read a POD document as a series of trivial events
- perl-Pod-LaTeX - Convert POD data to formatted LaTeX
- perl-Pod-POM - Object-oriented interface to Perl POD documents
- perl-Pod-Parser - Basic perl modules for handling Plain Old Documentation (POD)
- perl-Pod-Perldoc - Look up Perl documentation in Pod format
- perl-Pod-Plainer - Perl extension for converting Pod to old-style Pod
- perl-Pod-Simple - Framework for parsing POD documentation
- perl-Pod-Spell - A formatter for spell-checking POD
- perl-Pod-Usage - Print a usage message from embedded POD documentation
- perl-Probe-Perl - Information about the currently running perl
- perl-Readonly - Facility for creating read-only scalars, arrays, hashes
- perl-Readonly-XS - Companion module for Readonly
- perl-SGMLSpm - Perl library for parsing the output of nsgmls
- perl-SNMP_Session - SNMP support for Perl 5
- perl-Scalar-List-Utils - A selection of general-utility scalar and list subroutines
- perl-Socket - Networking constants and support functions
- perl-Socket6 - IPv6 related part of the C socket.h defines and structure manipulators
- perl-Sort-Versions - Perl module for sorting of revision-like numbers
- perl-Storable - Persistence for Perl data structures
- perl-String-CRC32 - Perl interface for cyclic redundancy check generation
- perl-String-Format - Sprintf-like string formatting capabilities with arbitrary format definitions
- perl-String-ShellQuote - Perl module for quoting strings for passing through the shell
- perl-String-Similarity - Calculates the similarity of two strings
- perl-Sub-Exporter - Sophisticated exporter for custom-built routines
- perl-Sub-Install - Install subroutines into packages easily
- perl-Sub-Uplevel - Apparently run a function in a higher stack frame
- perl-Switch - A switch statement for Perl
- perl-Syntax-Highlight-Engine-Kate - Port to Perl of the syntax highlight engine of the Kate text editor
- perl-Sys-CPU - Getting CPU information
- perl-Sys-Guestfs - Perl bindings for libguestfs (Sys::Guestfs)
- perl-Sys-MemInfo - Memory information as Perl module
- perl-Sys-Syslog - Perl interface to the UNIX syslog(3) calls
- perl-Sys-Virt - Represent and manage a libvirt hypervisor connection
- perl-Taint-Runtime - Runtime enable taint checking
- perl-Task-Weaken - Ensure that a platform has weaken support
- perl-Template-Toolkit - Template processing system
- perl-Term-UI - Term::ReadLine user interface made easy
- perl-TermReadKey - A perl module for simple terminal control
- perl-Test-CPAN-Meta - Validation of the META.yml file in a CPAN distribution
- perl-Test-ClassAPI - Provides basic first-pass API testing for large class trees
- perl-Test-Deep - Extremely flexible deep comparison
- perl-Test-Differences - Test strings and data structures and show differences if not OK
- perl-Test-DistManifest - Author test that validates a package MANIFEST
- perl-Test-EOL - Check the correct line endings in your project
- perl-Test-Exception - Library of test functions for exception based Perl code
- perl-Test-Fatal - Incredibly simple helpers for testing code with exceptions
- perl-Test-Harness - Run Perl standard test scripts with statistics
- perl-Test-HasVersion - Check Perl modules have version numbers
- perl-Test-Inter - Framework for more readable interactive test scripts
- perl-Test-Manifest - Test case module for Perl
- perl-Test-Memory-Cycle - Check for memory leaks and circular memory references
- perl-Test-MinimumVersion - Check whether your code requires a newer perl
- perl-Test-MockObject - Perl extension for emulating troublesome interfaces
- perl-Test-NoTabs - Check the presence of tabs in your project
- perl-Test-NoWarnings - Make sure you didn't emit any warnings while testing
- perl-Test-Object - Thoroughly testing objects via registered handlers
- perl-Test-Output - Utilities to test STDOUT and STDERR messages
- perl-Test-Perl-Critic - Use Perl::Critic in test programs
- perl-Test-Perl-Critic-Policy - A framework for testing your custom Policies
- perl-Test-Pod - Test POD files for correctness
- perl-Test-Pod-Coverage - Check for pod coverage in your distribution
- perl-Test-Portability-Files - Check file names portability
- perl-Test-Requires - Checks to see if a given module can be loaded
- perl-Test-Script - Cross-platform basic tests for scripts
- perl-Test-Simple - Basic utilities for writing tests
- perl-Test-Spelling - Check for spelling errors in POD files
- perl-Test-SubCalls - Track the number of times subs are called
- perl-Test-Synopsis - Test your SYNOPSIS code
- perl-Test-Taint - Tools to test taintedness
- perl-Test-Tester - Ease testing test modules built with Test::Builder
- perl-Test-Vars - Detects unused variables
- perl-Test-Warn - Perl extension to test methods for warnings
- perl-Test-Without-Module - Test fallback behavior in absence of modules
- perl-Text-CSV_XS - Comma-separated values manipulation routines
- perl-Text-CharWidth - Get number of occupied columns of a string on terminal
- perl-Text-Diff - Perform diffs on files and record sets
- perl-Text-Glob - Perl module to match globbing patterns against text
- perl-Text-Iconv - Perl interface to iconv() codeset conversion function
- perl-Text-ParseWords - Parse text into an array of tokens or array of arrays
- perl-Text-Soundex - Implementation of the soundex algorithm
- perl-Text-Unidecode - US-ASCII transliterations of Unicode text
- perl-Text-WrapI18N - Line wrapping with support for several locale setups
- perl-Thread-Queue - Thread-safe queues
- perl-Tie-IxHash - Ordered associative arrays for Perl
- perl-Time-HiRes - High resolution alarm, sleep, gettimeofday, interval timers
- perl-Time-Local - Efficiently compute time from local and GMT time
- perl-Time-Piece - Time objects from localtime and gmtime
- perl-TimeDate - A Perl module for time and date manipulation
- perl-Tk - Perl Graphical User Interface ToolKit
- perl-Tk-devel - perl-Tk ExtUtils::MakeMaker support module
- perl-Tree-DAG_Node - Class for representing nodes in a tree
- perl-Try-Tiny - Minimal try/catch with proper localization of $@
- perl-UNIVERSAL-can - Hack around people calling UNIVERSAL::can() as a function
- perl-UNIVERSAL-isa - Hack around module authors using UNIVERSAL::isa as a function
- perl-URI - A Perl module implementing URI parsing and manipulation
- perl-Unicode-Map8 - Mapping table between 8-bit chars and Unicode for Perl
- perl-Unicode-String - Perl modules to handle various Unicode issues
- perl-Version-Requirements - Set of version requirements for a CPAN dist (DEPRECATED)
- perl-WWW-Curl - Perl extension interface for libcurl
- perl-WWW-RobotRules - Database of robots.txt-derived permissions
- perl-XML-Catalog - Resolve public identifiers and remap system identifiers
- perl-XML-DOM - DOM extension to XML::Parser
- perl-XML-Dumper - Perl module for dumping Perl objects from/to XML
- perl-XML-Filter-BufferText - Filter to put all characters() in one event
- perl-XML-Grove - Simple access to infoset of parsed XML, HTML, or SGML instances
- perl-XML-Handler-YAWriter - Yet another Perl SAX XML Writer
- perl-XML-LibXML - Perl interface to the libxml2 library
- perl-XML-LibXSLT - Perl module for interfacing to GNOME's libxslt
- perl-XML-NamespaceSupport - A simple generic namespace support class
- perl-XML-Parser - Perl module for parsing XML documents
- perl-XML-RegExp - Regular expressions for XML tokens
- perl-XML-SAX - SAX parser access API for Perl
- perl-XML-SAX-Base - Base class SAX drivers and filters
- perl-XML-SAX-Writer - SAX2 Writer
- perl-XML-Simple - Easy API to maintain XML in Perl
- perl-XML-TokeParser - Simplified interface to XML::Parser
- perl-XML-TreeBuilder - Parser that builds a tree of XML::Element objects
- perl-XML-Twig - Perl module for processing huge XML documents in tree mode
- perl-XML-Writer - A simple Perl module for writing XML documents
- perl-XML-XPath - XPath parser and evaluator for Perl
- perl-XML-XPathEngine - Re-usable XPath engine for DOM-like trees
- perl-YAML - YAML Ain't Markup Language (tm)
- perl-YAML-Syck - Fast, lightweight YAML loader and dumper
- perl-YAML-Tiny - Read/Write YAML files with as little code as possible
- perl-autodie - Replace functions with ones that succeed or die
- perl-constant - Perl pragma to declare constants
- perl-core - Base perl metapackage
- perl-devel - Header #files for use in perl development
- perl-gettext - Interface to gettext family of functions
- perl-hivex - Perl bindings for hivex
- perl-homedir - Per-user Perl local::lib setup
- perl-libintl - Internationalization library for Perl, compatible with gettext
- perl-libs - The libraries for the perl runtime
- perl-libwww-perl - A Perl interface to the World-Wide Web
- perl-libxml-perl - A collection of Perl modules for working with XML
- perl-local-lib - Create and use a local lib/ for perl modules
- perl-macros - Macros for rpmbuild
- perl-parent - Establish an ISA relationship with base classes at compile time
- perl-podlators - Format POD source into various output formats
- perl-prefork - Optimized module loading for forking or non-forking processes
- perl-srpm-macros - RPM macros for building Perl source package from source repository
- perl-tests - The Perl test suite
- perl-threads - Perl interpreter-based threads
- perl-threads-shared - Perl extension for sharing data structures between threads
- perl-version - Perl extension for Version Objects
- perltidy - Tool for indenting and reformatting Perl scripts
- pesign - Signing utility for UEFI binaries
- pexpect - Pure Python Expect-like module
- phonon - Multimedia framework api
- phonon-backend-gstreamer - Gstreamer phonon backend
- phonon-devel - Developer files for phonon
- php - PHP scripting language for creating dynamic web sites
- php-bcmath - A module for PHP applications for using the bcmath library
- php-cli - Command-line interface for PHP
- php-common - Common files for PHP
- php-dba - A database abstraction layer module for PHP applications
- php-devel - Files needed for building PHP extensions
- php-embedded - PHP library for embedding in applications
- php-enchant - Enchant spelling extension for PHP applications
- php-fpm - PHP FastCGI Process Manager
- php-gd - A module for PHP applications for using the gd graphics library
- php-intl - Internationalization extension for PHP applications
- php-ldap - A module for PHP applications that use LDAP
- php-mbstring - A module for PHP applications which need multi-byte string handling
- php-mysql - A module for PHP applications that use MySQL databases
- php-mysqlnd - A module for PHP applications that use MySQL databases
- php-odbc - A module for PHP applications that use ODBC databases
- php-pdo - A database access abstraction module for PHP applications
- php-pear - PHP Extension and Application Repository framework
- php-pecl-memcache - Extension to work with the Memcached caching daemon
- php-pgsql - A PostgreSQL database module for PHP
- php-process - Modules for PHP script using system process interfaces
- php-pspell - A module for PHP applications for using pspell interfaces
- php-recode - A module for PHP applications for using the recode library
- php-snmp - A module for PHP applications that query SNMP-managed devices
- php-soap - A module for PHP applications that use the SOAP protocol
- php-xml - A module for PHP applications which use XML
- php-xmlrpc - A module for PHP applications which use the XML-RPC protocol
- pinentry - Collection of simple PIN or passphrase entry dialogs
- pinentry-gtk - Passphrase/PIN entry dialog based on GTK+
- pinentry-qt - Passphrase/PIN entry dialog based on Qt3
- pinentry-qt4 - Passphrase/PIN entry dialog based on Qt4
- pinfo - An info file viewer
- pixman - Pixel manipulation library
- pixman-devel - Pixel manipulation library development package
- pkgconfig - A tool for determining compilation options
- pki-base - Certificate System - PKI Framework
- pki-ca - Certificate System - Certificate Authority
- pki-javadoc - Certificate System - PKI Framework Javadocs
- pki-kra - Certificate System - Data Recovery Manager
- pki-ocsp - Certificate System - Online Certificate Status Protocol Manager
- pki-server - Certificate System - PKI Server Framework
- pki-symkey - Symmetric Key JNI Package
- pki-tks - Certificate System - Token Key Service
- pki-tools - Certificate System - PKI Tools
- pki-tps-tomcat - Certificate System - Token Processing Service
- plasma-scriptengine-python - Plasma scriptengine for python
- plasma-scriptengine-ruby - Plasma scriptengine for ruby
- plexus-ant-factory - Plexus Ant component factory
- plexus-ant-factory-javadoc - Javadoc for plexus-ant-factory
- plexus-archiver - Plexus Archiver Component
- plexus-archiver-javadoc - Javadoc for plexus-archiver
- plexus-bsh-factory - Plexus Bsh component factory
- plexus-bsh-factory-javadoc - Javadoc for plexus-bsh-factory
- plexus-build-api - Plexus Build API
- plexus-build-api-javadoc - Javadoc for plexus-build-api
- plexus-cdc - Plexus Component Descriptor Creator
- plexus-cdc-javadoc - Javadoc for plexus-cdc
- plexus-cipher - Plexus Cipher: encryption/decryption Component
- plexus-cipher-javadoc - Javadoc for plexus-cipher
- plexus-classworlds - Plexus Classworlds Classloader Framework
- plexus-classworlds-javadoc - Javadoc for plexus-classworlds
- plexus-cli - Command Line Interface facilitator for Plexus
- plexus-cli-javadoc - Javadoc for plexus-cli
- plexus-compiler - Compiler call initiators for Plexus
- plexus-compiler-extras - Extra compiler support for plexus-compiler
- plexus-compiler-javadoc - Javadoc for plexus-compiler
- plexus-compiler-pom - Maven POM files for plexus-compiler
- plexus-component-api - Plexus Component API
- plexus-component-api-javadoc - Javadoc for plexus-component-api
- plexus-component-factories-pom - Plexus Component Factories POM
- plexus-components-pom - Plexus Components POM
- plexus-containers - Containers for Plexus
- plexus-containers-component-annotations - Component API from plexus-containers
- plexus-containers-component-javadoc - Javadoc component from plexus-containers
- plexus-containers-component-metadata - Component metadata from plexus-containers
- plexus-containers-container-default - Default Container from plexus-containers
- plexus-containers-javadoc - API documentation for all plexus-containers packages
- plexus-digest - Plexus Digest / Hashcode Components
- plexus-digest-javadoc - Javadoc for plexus-digest
- plexus-i18n - Plexus I18N Component
- plexus-i18n-javadoc - Javadoc for plexus-i18n
- plexus-interactivity - Plexus Interactivity Handler Component
- plexus-interactivity-javadoc - Javadoc for plexus-interactivity
- plexus-interpolation - Plexus Interpolation API
- plexus-interpolation-javadoc - Javadoc for plexus-interpolation
- plexus-io - Plexus IO Components
- plexus-io-javadoc - Javadoc for plexus-io
- plexus-mail-sender - Plexus Mail Sender
- plexus-mail-sender-javadoc - Javadoc for plexus-mail-sender
- plexus-pom - Root Plexus Projects POM
- plexus-resources - Plexus Resource Manager
- plexus-resources-javadoc - Javadoc for plexus-resources
- plexus-sec-dispatcher - Plexus Security Dispatcher Component
- plexus-sec-dispatcher-javadoc - Javadoc for plexus-sec-dispatcher
- plexus-tools-pom - Plexus Tools POM
- plexus-utils - Plexus Common Utilities
- plexus-utils-javadoc - Javadoc for plexus-utils
- plexus-velocity - Plexus Velocity Component
- plexus-velocity-javadoc - Javadoc for plexus-velocity
- plymouth - Graphical Boot Animation and Logger
- plymouth-core-libs - Plymouth core libraries
- plymouth-devel - Libraries and headers for writing Plymouth splash plugins
- plymouth-graphics-libs - Plymouth graphics libraries
- plymouth-plugin-fade-throbber - Plymouth "Fade-Throbber" plugin
- plymouth-plugin-label - Plymouth label plugin
- plymouth-plugin-script - Plymouth "script" plugin
- plymouth-plugin-space-flares - Plymouth "space-flares" plugin
- plymouth-plugin-throbgress - Plymouth "Throbgress" plugin
- plymouth-plugin-two-step - Plymouth "two-step" plugin
- plymouth-scripts - Plymouth related scripts
- plymouth-system-theme - Plymouth default theme
- plymouth-theme-charge - Plymouth "Charge" plugin
- plymouth-theme-fade-in - Plymouth "Fade-In" theme
- plymouth-theme-script - Plymouth "Script" plugin
- plymouth-theme-solar - Plymouth "Solar" theme
- plymouth-theme-spinfinity - Plymouth "Spinfinity" theme
- plymouth-theme-spinner - Plymouth "Spinner" theme
- pm-utils - Power management utilities and scripts
- pm-utils-devel - Files for development using pm-utils
- pngcrush - Optimizer for PNG (Portable Network Graphics) files
- pngnq - Pngnq is a tool for quantizing PNG images in RGBA format
- pnm2ppa - Drivers for printing to HP PPA printers
- po4a - A tool maintaining translations anywhere
- policycoreutils - SELinux policy core utilities
- policycoreutils-devel - SELinux policy core policy devel utilities
- policycoreutils-gui - SELinux configuration GUI
- policycoreutils-newrole - The newrole application for RBAC/MLS
- policycoreutils-python - SELinux policy core python utilities
- policycoreutils-restorecond - SELinux restorecond utilities
- policycoreutils-sandbox - SELinux sandbox utilities
- polkit - An authorization framework
- polkit-devel - Development files for polkit
- polkit-docs - Development documentation for polkit
- polkit-kde - PolicyKit integration for KDE Desktop
- polkit-pkla-compat - Rules for polkit to add compatibility with pklocalauthority
- polkit-qt - Qt bindings for PolicyKit
- polkit-qt-devel - Development files for PolicyKit Qt bindings
- polkit-qt-doc - Doxygen documentation for the PolkitQt API
- poppler - PDF rendering library
- poppler-cpp - Pure C++ wrapper for poppler
- poppler-cpp-devel - Development files for C++ wrapper
- poppler-data - Encoding files
- poppler-demos - Demos for poppler
- poppler-devel - Libraries and headers for poppler
- poppler-glib - Glib wrapper for poppler
- poppler-glib-devel - Development files for glib wrapper
- poppler-qt - Qt4 wrapper for poppler
- poppler-qt-devel - Development files for Qt4 wrapper
- poppler-utils - Command line utilities for converting PDF files
- popt - C library for parsing command line parameters
- popt-devel - Development files for the popt library
- popt-static - Static library for parsing command line parameters
- portreserve - TCP port reservation utility
- postfix - Postfix Mail Transport Agent
- postfix-perl-scripts - Postfix utilities written in perl
- postfix-sysvinit - SysV initscript for postfix
- postgresql - PostgreSQL client programs
- postgresql-contrib - Extension modules distributed with PostgreSQL
- postgresql-devel - PostgreSQL development header files and libraries
- postgresql-docs - Extra documentation for PostgreSQL
- postgresql-jdbc - JDBC driver for PostgreSQL
- postgresql-jdbc-javadoc - API docs for postgresql-jdbc
- postgresql-libs - The shared libraries required for any PostgreSQL clients
- postgresql-odbc - PostgreSQL ODBC driver
- postgresql-plperl - The Perl procedural language for PostgreSQL
- postgresql-plpython - The Python2 procedural language for PostgreSQL
- postgresql-pltcl - The Tcl procedural language for PostgreSQL
- postgresql-server - The programs needed to create and run a PostgreSQL server
- postgresql-test - The test suite distributed with PostgreSQL
- postgresql-upgrade - Support for upgrading from the previous major release of PostgreSQL
- pothana2000-fonts - Unicode compliant OpenType font for Telugu
- powertop - Power consumption monitor
- ppp - The Point-to-Point Protocol daemon
- ppp-devel - Headers for ppp plugin development
- pps-tools - LinuxPPS user-space tools
- pps-tools-devel - LinuxPPS PPSAPI header file
- pptp - Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) Client
- pptp-setup - PPTP Tunnel Configuration Script
- prelink - An ELF prelinking utility
- procmail - Mail processing program
- procps-ng - System and process monitoring utilities
- procps-ng-devel - System and process monitoring utilities
- procps-ng-i18n - Internationalization pack for procps-ng
- ps_mem - Memory profiling tool
- psacct - Utilities for monitoring process activities
- psmisc - Utilities for managing processes on your system
- psutils - PostScript Utilities
- psutils-perl - psutils scripts requiring perl
- pth - The GNU Portable Threads library
- pth-devel - Development headers and libraries for GNU Pth
- ptlib - Portable Tools Library
- ptlib-devel - Development package for ptlib
- publican - Common files and scripts for publishing with DocBook XML
- publican-common-db5-web - Website style for common brand for DocBook5 content
- publican-common-web - Website style for common brand
- publican-doc - Documentation for the Publican package
- publican-redhat - Common documentation files for RedHat
- pulseaudio - Improved Linux Sound Server
- pulseaudio-esound-compat - PulseAudio EsounD daemon compatibility script
- pulseaudio-gdm-hooks - PulseAudio GDM integration
- pulseaudio-libs - Libraries for PulseAudio clients
- pulseaudio-libs-devel - Headers and libraries for PulseAudio client development
- pulseaudio-libs-glib2 - GLIB 2.x bindings for PulseAudio clients
- pulseaudio-module-bluetooth - Bluetooth support for the PulseAudio sound server
- pulseaudio-module-gconf - GConf support for the PulseAudio sound server
- pulseaudio-module-x11 - X11 support for the PulseAudio sound server
- pulseaudio-module-zeroconf - Zeroconf support for the PulseAudio sound server
- pulseaudio-utils - PulseAudio sound server utilities
- pyOpenSSL - Python wrapper module around the OpenSSL library
- pyOpenSSL-doc - Documentation for pyOpenSSL
- pyatspi - Python bindings for at-spi
- pycairo - Python bindings for the cairo library
- pycairo-devel - Libraries and headers for pycairo
- pygobject2 - Python 2 bindings for GObject
- pygobject2-codegen - The code generation program for PyGObject
- pygobject2-devel - Development files for building add-on libraries
- pygobject2-doc - Documentation files for pygobject2
- pygobject3 - Python 2 bindings for GObject Introspection
- pygobject3-base - Python 2 bindings for GObject Introspection base package
- pygobject3-devel - Development files for embedding PyGObject introspection support
- pygpgme - Python module for working with OpenPGP messages
- pygtk2 - Python bindings for GTK+
- pygtk2-codegen - The code generation program for PyGTK
- pygtk2-devel - Development files for building add-on libraries
- pygtk2-doc - Documentation files for pygtk2
- pygtk2-libglade - A wrapper for the libglade library for use with PyGTK
- pykde4 - Python bindings for KDE4
- pykde4-akonadi - Akonadi runtime support for pykde4
- pykde4-devel - Files needed to build pykde4-based applications
- pykickstart - A python library for manipulating kickstart files
- pyldb - Python bindings for the LDB library
- pyldb-devel - Development files for the Python bindings for the LDB library
- pyliblzma - Python bindings for lzma
- pyorbit - Python bindings for ORBit2
- pyorbit-devel - Files needed to build wrappers for ORBit2 addon libraries
- pyparsing - An object-oriented approach to text processing
- pyparsing-doc - Documentation for pyparsing
- pyparted - Python module for GNU parted
- pyserial - Python serial port access library
- pytalloc - Developer tools for the Talloc library
- pytalloc-devel - Developer tools for the Talloc library
- pytest - Simple powerful testing with Python
- python - An interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
- python-IPy - Python module for handling IPv4 and IPv6 Addresses and Networks
- python-augeas - Python bindings to augeas
- python-babel - Library for internationalizing Python applications
- python-backports - Namespace for backported Python features
- python-backports-ssl_match_hostname - The ssl.match_hostname() function from Python 3
- python-beaker - WSGI middleware layer to provide sessions
- python-blivet - A python module for system storage configuration
- python-brlapi - Python binding for BrlAPI
- python-caribou - Keyboard UI for caribou
- python-chardet - Character encoding auto-detection in Python
- python-clufter - Tool/library for transforming/analyzing cluster configuration formats
- python-configobj - Config file reading, writing, and validation
- python-configshell - A framework to implement simple but nice CLIs
- python-coverage - Code coverage testing module for Python
- python-cpio - A Python module for accessing cpio archives
- python-cups - Python bindings for CUPS
- python-cups-doc - Documentation for python-cups
- python-dateutil - Powerful extensions to the standard datetime module
- python-debug - Debug version of the Python runtime
- python-decorator - Module to simplify usage of decorators
- python-deltarpm - Python bindings for deltarpm
- python-devel - The libraries and header files needed for Python development
- python-di - Python library for dependency injection support
- python-dmidecode - Python module to access DMI data
- python-dns - DNS toolkit for Python
- python-docs - Documentation for the Python programming language
- python-docutils - System for processing plaintext documentation
- python-dtopt - Add options to doctest examples while they are running
- python-ethtool - Ethernet settings python bindings
- python-fpconst - Python module for handling IEEE 754 floating point special values
- python-gpod - Python module to access iPod content
- python-gudev - Python (PyGObject) bindings to the GUDev library
- python-hivex - Python bindings for hivex
- python-hwdata - Python bindings to hwdata package
- python-iniparse - Python Module for Accessing and Modifying Configuration Data in INI files
- python-inotify - Monitor filesystem events with Python under Linux
- python-inotify-examples - Examples for Python inotify module
- python-ipaddr - A python library for working with IP addresses, both IPv4 and IPv6
- python-isomd5sum - Python bindings for isomd5sum
- python-javapackages - Module for handling various files for Java packaging
- python-jinja2 - General purpose template engine
- python-kerberos - A high-level wrapper for Kerberos (GSSAPI) operations
- python-kitchen - Small, useful pieces of code to make python coding easier
- python-kitchen-doc - API documentation for the Kitchen python module
- python-kmod - Python module to work with kernel modules
- python-krbV - Python extension module for Kerberos 5
- python-ldap - An object-oriented API to access LDAP directory servers
- python-libguestfs - Python bindings for libguestfs
- python-libs - Runtime libraries for Python
- python-libteam - Team network device library bindings
- python-libvoikko - Python interface to libvoikko
- python-linux-procfs - Linux /proc abstraction classes
- python-lxml - ElementTree-like Python bindings for libxml2 and libxslt
- python-lxml-docs - Documentation for python-lxml
- python-magic - Python bindings for the libmagic API
- python-mako - Mako template library for Python
- python-markupsafe - Implements a XML/HTML/XHTML Markup safe string for Python
- python-matplotlib - Python 2D plotting library
- python-matplotlib-doc - Documentation files for python-matplotlib
- python-matplotlib-qt4 - Qt4 backend for python-matplotlib
- python-matplotlib-tk - Tk backend for python-matplotlib
- python-meh - A python library for handling exceptions
- python-meh-gui - Graphical user interface for the python-meh library
- python-memcached - A Python memcached client library
- python-mutagen - Mutagen is a Python module to handle audio metadata
- python-netaddr - A pure Python network address representation and manipulation library
- python-nose - Discovery-based unittest extension for Python
- python-nose-docs - Nose Documentation
- python-nss - Python bindings for Network Security Services (NSS)
- python-nss-doc - API documentation and examples
- python-paste - Tools for using a Web Server Gateway Interface stack
- python-pcp - Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) Python bindings and documentation
- python-perf - Python bindings for apps which will manipulate perf events
- python-pillow - Python image processing library
- python-pillow-devel - Development files for python-pillow
- python-pillow-doc - Documentation for python-pillow
- python-pillow-qt - PIL image wrapper for Qt
- python-pillow-sane - Python module for using scanners
- python-pillow-tk - Tk interface for python-pillow
- python-psycopg2 - A PostgreSQL database adapter for Python
- python-psycopg2-debug - A PostgreSQL database adapter for Python 2 (debug build)
- python-psycopg2-doc - Documentation for psycopg python PostgreSQL database adapter
- python-pwquality - Python bindings for the libpwquality library
- python-py - Library with cross-python path, ini-parsing, io, code, log facilities
- python-pyasn1 - ASN.1 tools for Python
- python-pyasn1-modules - Modules for pyasn1
- python-pyblock - Python modules for dealing with block devices
- python-pycurl - A Python interface to libcurl
- python-pygments - Syntax highlighting engine written in Python
- python-pyudev - A libudev binding
- python-qrcode - Python QR Code image generator
- python-qrcode-core - Python QR Code image generator (core library)
- python-rados - Python libraries for the RADOS object store
- python-rbd - Python libraries for the RADOS block device
- python-reportlab - Python PDF generation library
- python-reportlab-docs - Documentation files for python-reportlab
- python-requests - HTTP library, written in Python, for human beings
- python-rhsm - A Python library to communicate with a Red Hat Unified Entitlement Platform
- python-rtslib - API for Linux kernel LIO SCSI target
- python-rtslib-doc - Documentation for python-rtslib
- python-schedutils - Linux scheduler python bindings
- python-setproctitle - Python module to customize a process title
- python-setuptools - Easily build and distribute Python packages
- python-six - Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities
- python-slip - Miscellaneous convenience, extension and workaround code for Python
- python-slip-dbus - Convenience functions for dbus services
- python-slip-gtk - Code to make auto-wrapping gtk labels
- python-sphinx - Python documentation generator
- python-sphinx-doc - Documentation for python-sphinx
- python-sphinx-theme-openlmi - OpenLMI theme for Sphinx documentation generator
- python-sssdconfig - SSSD and IPA configuration file manipulation classes and functions
- python-suds - A python SOAP client
- python-tdb - Python bindings for the Tdb library
- python-tempita - A very small text templating language
- python-test - The test modules from the main python package
- python-tevent - Python bindings for the Tevent library
- python-tools - A collection of development tools included with Python
- python-tornado - Scalable, non-blocking web server and tools
- python-tornado-doc - Examples for python-tornado
- python-twisted-core - Asynchronous networking framework written in Python
- python-twisted-core-doc - Documentation for Twisted Core
- python-twisted-web - Twisted web client and server, programmable in Python
- python-twisted-words - Twisted Instant Messaging implementations
- python-urlgrabber - A high-level cross-protocol url-grabber
- python-urllib3 - Python HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling and file post
- python-urwid - Console user interface library
- python-virtualenv - Tool to create isolated Python environments
- python-volume_key - Python bindings for libvolume_key
- python-webob - WSGI request and response object
- python-webtest - Helper to test WSGI applications
- python-which - Small which replacement that can be used as a Python module
- python-yubico - Pure-python library for interacting with Yubikeys
- python-zope-interface - Zope 3 Interface Infrastructure
- pytz - World Timezone Definitions for Python
- pyusb - Python bindings for libusb
- pywbem - Python WBEM Client and Provider Interface
- pyxattr - Extended attributes library wrapper for Python