- ceph - User space components of the Ceph file system
- ceph-ansible - Ansible playbooks for Ceph
- ceph-base - Ceph Base Package
- ceph-common - Ceph Common
- ceph-fuse - Ceph fuse-based client
- ceph-grafana-dashboards - The set of Grafana dashboards for monitoring purposes
- ceph-mds - Ceph Metadata Server Daemon
- ceph-mgr - Ceph Manager Daemon
- ceph-mgr-dashboard - Ceph Dashboard
- ceph-mgr-diskprediction-cloud - ceph-mgr diskprediction_cloud plugin
- ceph-mgr-diskprediction-local - ceph-mgr diskprediction_local plugin
- ceph-mgr-k8sevents - Ceph Manager plugin to orchestrate ceph-events to kubernetes' events API
- ceph-mgr-rook - ceph-mgr rook plugin
- ceph-mgr-ssh - ceph-mgr ssh module
- ceph-mon - Ceph Monitor Daemon
- ceph-osd - Ceph Object Storage Daemon
- ceph-radosgw - Rados REST gateway
- ceph-resource-agents - OCF-compliant resource agents for Ceph daemons
- ceph-selinux - SELinux support for Ceph MON, OSD and MDS
- ceph-test - Ceph benchmarks and test tools
- cephfs-java - Java libraries for the Ceph File System
- cmake3 - Cross-platform make system
- cmake3-data - Common data-files for cmake3
- cmake3-doc - Documentation for cmake3
- cmake3-gui - Qt GUI for cmake3
- jq - Command-line JSON processor
- jq-devel - Development files for jq
- jsoncpp - JSON library implemented in C++
- jsoncpp-devel - Development headers and library for jsoncpp
- jsoncpp-doc - Documentation for jsoncpp
- libcephfs-devel - Ceph distributed file system headers
- libcephfs2 - Ceph distributed file system client library
- libcephfs_jni-devel - Development files for CephFS Java Native Interface library
- libcephfs_jni1 - Java Native Interface library for CephFS Java bindings
- librados-devel - RADOS headers
- librados2 - RADOS distributed object store client library
- libradospp-devel - RADOS headers
- libradosstriper-devel - RADOS striping interface headers
- libradosstriper1 - RADOS striping interface
- librbd-devel - RADOS block device headers
- librbd1 - RADOS block device client library
- librgw-devel - RADOS gateway client library
- librgw2 - RADOS gateway client library
- libsodium - The Sodium crypto library
- libsodium-devel - Development files for libsodium
- libsodium-static - Static library for libsodium
- mock-ceph-config - Ceph mock configs for CentOS Storage SIG
- python-ceph-argparse - Python 2 utility libraries for Ceph CLI
- python-ceph-compat - Compatibility package for Cephs python libraries
- python-cephfs - Python 2 libraries for Ceph distributed file system
- python-cffi-doc - Documentation for CFFI
- python-funcsigs-doc - funcsigs documentation
- python-memcached - A Python memcached client library
- python-rados - Python 2 libraries for the RADOS object store
- python-rbd - Python 2 libraries for the RADOS block device
- python-rgw - Python 2 libraries for the RADOS gateway
- python2-Cython - A language for writing Python extension modules
- python2-apipkg - A Python namespace control and lazy-import mechanism
- python2-asn1crypto - Fast Python ASN.1 parser and serializer
- python2-bcrypt - Modern password hashing for your software and your servers
- python2-cachetools - Extensible memoizing collections and decorators
- python2-cffi - Foreign Function Interface for Python 3 to call C code
- python2-cryptography - PyCA's cryptography library
- python2-eventlet - Highly concurrent networking library
- python2-eventlet-doc - Documentation for python-eventlet
- python2-execnet - Elastic Python Deployment
- python2-funcsigs - Python function signatures from PEP362 for Python 2.6, 2.7 and 3.2+
- python2-google-auth - Google Auth Python Library
- python2-idna - Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA)
- python2-ipaddress - Port of the python 3.3+ ipaddress module to 2.6+
- python2-kubernetes - Kubernetes Python Client
- python2-kubernetes-tests - Tests python-kubernetes library
- python2-mock - A Python Mocking and Patching Library for Testing
- python2-netaddr - A pure Python network address representation and manipulation library
- python2-notario - A dictionary validator
- python2-numpy - A fast multidimensional array facility for Python
- python2-numpy-doc - Documentation for numpy
- python2-numpy-f2py - f2py for numpy
- python2-pbr - Python Build Reasonableness
- python2-pecan - A lean WSGI object-dispatching web framework
- python2-pynacl - Python binding to the Networking and Cryptography (NaCl) library
- python2-remoto - Execute remote commands or processes
- python2-rsa - Pure-Python RSA implementation
- python2-six - Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities
- python2-webob - WSGI request and response object
- python2-websocket-client - WebSocket client for python
- rados-objclass-devel - RADOS object class development kit
- rbd-fuse - Ceph fuse-based client
- rbd-mirror - Ceph daemon for mirroring RBD images
- rbd-nbd - Ceph RBD client base on NBD
- smartmontools - Tools for monitoring SMART capable hard disks