Jump to letter: [
PyQt4 -
Python bindings for Qt4
PyQt4-devel -
Files needed to build other bindings based on Qt4
PyQt4-doc -
PyQt4 developer documentation and examples
PyQt4-qsci-api -
Qscintilla API file support
babel -
Tools for internationalizing Python applications
babel-doc -
Documentation for Babel
bandit -
A framework for performing security analysis of Python source code
bootswatch-common -
bootswatch (XStatic packaging standard) common files
bootswatch-fonts -
bootswatch (XStatic packaging standard) fonts
crudini -
A utility for manipulating ini files
dibbler-client -
Dibbler, DHCPv6 client
dibbler-docs -
Dibbler documentation
dibbler-relay -
Dibbler, DHCPv6 relay
dibbler-requestor -
Dibbler, DHCPv6 request generator
dibbler-server -
Dibbler, DHCPv6 server
dulwich-core -
Shared files for Dulwich
fdupes -
Finds duplicate files in a given set of directories
fontawesome-fonts -
Iconic font set
fontawesome-fonts-web -
Web files for fontawesome
galera -
Synchronous multi-master wsrep provider (replication engine)
heat-cfntools -
Tools required to be installed on Heat provisioned cloud instances
jq -
Command-line JSON processor
jsoncpp -
JSON library implemented in C++
jsoncpp-devel -
Development headers and library for jsoncpp
jsoncpp-doc -
Documentation for jsoncpp
keycloak-httpd-client-install -
Tools to configure Apache HTTPD as Keycloak client
liberasurecode -
Erasure Code API library written in C with pluggable backends
liberasurecode-devel -
Development files for liberasurecode
liberasurecode-doc -
Documentation for liberasurecode
libimagequant -
Palette quantization library
libimagequant-devel -
Development files for libimagequant
libqhull -
-n libqhull
libqhull_p -
libqhull_r -
libstemmer -
C stemming algorithm library
libstemmer-devel -
C stemming algorithm library developer files
mdi-common -
mdi (XStatic packaging standard) common files
mdi-fonts -
mdi (XStatic packaging standard) fonts
nodejs-packaging -
RPM Macros and Utilities for Node.js Packaging
novnc -
VNC client using HTML5 (Web Sockets, Canvas) with encryption support
openjpeg2 -
C-Library for JPEG 2000
openjpeg2-devel -
Development files for OpenJPEG 2
openjpeg2-devel-docs -
Developer documentation for OpenJPEG 2
openjpeg2-tools -
OpenJPEG 2 command line tools
openstack-aodh-api -
OpenStack aodh api
openstack-aodh-common -
Components common to all OpenStack aodh services
openstack-aodh-compat -
OpenStack aodh compat
openstack-aodh-evaluator -
OpenStack aodh evaluator
openstack-aodh-expirer -
OpenStack aodh expirer
openstack-aodh-listener -
OpenStack aodh listener
openstack-aodh-notifier -
OpenStack aodh notifier
openstack-barbican -
OpenStack Barbican Key Manager
openstack-barbican-api -
Barbican Key Manager API daemon
openstack-barbican-keystone-listener -
Barbican Keystone Listener daemon
openstack-barbican-worker -
Barbican Key Manager worker daemon
openstack-cinder -
OpenStack Volume service
openstack-ec2-api -
OpenStack Ec2api Service
openstack-gnocchi-api -
OpenStack gnocchi api
openstack-gnocchi-carbonara -
OpenStack gnocchi carbonara
openstack-gnocchi-common -
Components common to all OpenStackk gnocchi services
openstack-gnocchi-doc -
Documentation for OpenStack gnocchi
openstack-gnocchi-indexer-sqlalchemy -
OpenStack gnocchi indexer sqlalchemy driver
openstack-gnocchi-metricd -
OpenStack gnocchi metricd daemon
openstack-gnocchi-statsd -
OpenStack gnocchi statsd daemon
openstack-heat-api -
The Heat API
openstack-heat-api-cfn -
Heat CloudFormation API
openstack-heat-api-cloudwatch -
Heat CloudWatch API
openstack-heat-engine -
The Heat engine
openstack-ironic-inspector -
Hardware introspection service for OpenStack Ironic
openstack-ironic-inspector-doc -
Documentation for Ironic Inspector.
openstack-ironic-python-agent -
A python agent for provisioning and deprovisioning bare metal servers
openstack-keystone -
OpenStack Identity Service
openstack-keystone-doc -
Documentation for OpenStack Identity Service
openstack-manila -
OpenStack Shared Filesystem Service
openstack-manila-ui -
Manila Management Dashboard
openstack-neutron -
OpenStack Networking Service
openstack-neutron-bigswitch -
Neutron Big Switch plugin
openstack-neutron-brocade -
Neutron Brocade plugin
openstack-neutron-cisco -
Neutron Cisco plugin
openstack-neutron-common -
Neutron common files
openstack-neutron-dev-server -
Neutron Server (WSGI pecan)
openstack-neutron-embrane -
Neutron Embrane plugin
openstack-neutron-fwaas -
Openstack Networking FWaaS plugin
openstack-neutron-lbaas -
Openstack Networking LBaaS plugin
openstack-neutron-linuxbridge -
Neutron linuxbridge plugin
openstack-neutron-mellanox -
Neutron Mellanox plugin
openstack-neutron-metering-agent -
Neutron bandwidth metering agent
openstack-neutron-midonet -
Neutron MidoNet plugin
openstack-neutron-ml2 -
Neutron ML2 plugin
openstack-neutron-nuage -
Neutron Nuage plugin
openstack-neutron-ofagent -
Neutron ofagent plugin from ryu project
openstack-neutron-oneconvergence-nvsd -
Neutron One Convergence NVSD plugin
openstack-neutron-opencontrail -
Neutron OpenContrail plugin
openstack-neutron-openvswitch -
Neutron openvswitch plugin
openstack-neutron-ovsvapp -
Neutron OVSvApp vSphere plugin
openstack-neutron-rpc-server -
Neutron (RPC only) Server
openstack-neutron-sriov-nic-agent -
Neutron SR-IOV NIC agent
openstack-neutron-vpnaas -
Openstack Networking VPNaaS plugin
openstack-nova -
OpenStack Compute (nova)
openstack-puppet-modules -
Collection of Puppet modules for OpenStack deployment
openstack-sahara -
Apache Hadoop cluster management on OpenStack
openstack-sahara-api -
The Sahara cluster management API
openstack-sahara-common -
Components common to all Sahara services
openstack-sahara-engine -
The Sahara cluster management engine
openstack-swift -
OpenStack Object Storage (Swift)
openstack-swift-account -
Account services for Swift
openstack-swift-container -
Container services for Swift
openstack-swift-doc -
Documentation for openstack-swift
openstack-swift-object -
Object services for Swift
openstack-swift-plugin-swift3 -
The swift3 plugin for Openstack Swift
openstack-swift-proxy -
A proxy server for Swift
openstack-tempest -
OpenStack Integration Test Suite (Tempest)
openstack-trove -
OpenStack DBaaS (trove)
openstack-trove-api -
OpenStack trove API service
openstack-trove-common -
Components common to all OpenStack trove services
openstack-trove-conductor -
OpenStack trove conductor service
openstack-trove-guestagent -
OpenStack trove guest agent
openstack-trove-taskmanager -
OpenStack trove taskmanager service
openstack-utils -
Helper utilities for OpenStack services
openstack-zaqar -
Message queuing service for OpenStack
openvswitch -
Open vSwitch
openvswitch-devel -
Open vSwitch OpenFlow development package (library, headers)
openvswitch-test -
Open vSwitch testing utilities
os-apply-config -
Configure files from cloud metadata
os-cloud-config -
Configuration for OpenStack clouds
os-collect-config -
Collect and cache metadata running hooks on changes
os-net-config -
Host network configuration tool
os-refresh-config -
Refresh system configuration
osops-tools-monitoring-oschecks -
Scripts used to monitor an Openstack Installation
perl-qpid-messaging -
Perl bindings for the QPid messaging framework
puppet -
A network tool for managing many disparate systems
pyflakes -
A simple program which checks Python source files for errors
pysendfile -
Python interface to the sendfile(2) system call
pysnmp -
SNMP engine written in Python
pystache -
Mustache for Python
python-APScheduler-doc -
Documentation of the Advanced Python Scheduler library
python-Bottleneck -
Collection of fast NumPy array functions written in Cython
python-Bottleneck-doc -
Documentation files for python-Bottleneck
python-UcsSdk -
Python SDK for Cisco UCS Manager
python-XStatic -
XStatic base package with minimal support code
python-XStatic-Angular -
Angular (XStatic packaging standard)
python-XStatic-Angular-Bootstrap -
Angular-Bootstrap (XStatic packaging standard)
python-XStatic-Angular-Gettext -
Angular-Gettext (XStatic packaging standard)
python-XStatic-Angular-Mock -
Angular-Mock (XStatic packaging standard)
python-XStatic-Angular-lrdragndrop -
Angular-lrdragndrop (XStatic packaging standard)
python-XStatic-Bootstrap-Datepicker -
Bootstrap-Datepicker (XStatic packaging standard)
python-XStatic-Bootstrap-SCSS -
Bootstrap-SCSS (XStatic packaging standard)
python-XStatic-D3 -
D3 (XStatic packaging standard)
python-XStatic-Font-Awesome -
Font-Awesome (XStatic packaging standard)
python-XStatic-Hogan -
Hogan (XStatic packaging standard)
python-XStatic-JQuery-Migrate -
JQuery-Migrate (XStatic packaging standard)
python-XStatic-JQuery-TableSorter -
JQuery-TableSorter (XStatic packaging standard)
python-XStatic-JQuery-quicksearch -
JQuery-quicksearch (XStatic packaging standard)
python-XStatic-JSEncrypt -
JSEncrypt (XStatic packaging standard)
python-XStatic-Jasmine -
Jasmine (XStatic packaging standard)
python-XStatic-Magic-Search -
Magic-Search (XStatic packaging standard)
python-XStatic-QUnit -
QUnit (XStatic packaging standard)
python-XStatic-Rickshaw -
Rickshaw (XStatic packaging standard)
python-XStatic-Spin -
Spin (XStatic packaging standard)
python-XStatic-jQuery -
jQuery 1.10.2 (XStatic packaging standard)
python-XStatic-jquery-ui -
jquery-ui (XStatic packaging standard)
python-XStatic-smart-table -
smart-table (XStatic packaging standard)
python-XStatic-termjs -
term.js (XStatic packaging standard)
python-aodh -
OpenStack aodh python libraries
python-automaton -
Friendly state machines for python
python-barbican -
All python modules of Barbican
python-barbicanclient -
Client Library for OpenStack Barbican Key Management API
python-barbicanclient-doc -
Documentation for OpenStack Barbican API client
python-bashate-doc -
Documentation for bashate module
python-betamax -
A VCR imitation for python-requests
python-cachetools -
Extensible memoizing collections and decorators
python-castellan-doc -
castellan documentation
python-ceilometermiddleware -
OpenStack Telemetry middleware for generating metrics
python-cffi -
Foreign Function Interface for Python to call C code
python-cffi-doc -
Documentation for CFFI
python-characteristic -
Python library that eases the chores of implementing attributes
python-cinderclient -
Python API and CLI for OpenStack Cinder
python-click -
A simple wrapper around optparse for powerful command line utilities
python-cliff-tablib -
Tablib formatters for python-cliff
python-colorama -
Cross-platform colored terminal text
python-construct -
A powerful declarative parser/builder for binary data
python-cov-core -
Plugin core for use by pytest-cov, nose-cov and nose2-cov
python-croniter -
Iteration for datetime object with cron like format
python-designateclient -
Client library for OpenStack DNSaaS API
python-django-appconf -
A helper class for handling configuration defaults of packaged apps gracefully
python-django-compressor -
Compresses linked and inline JavaScript or CSS into single cached files
python-django-discover-runner -
A Django test runner based on unittest2's test discovery
python-django-nose -
Django test runner that uses nose
python-django-pyscss -
Makes it easier to use PySCSS in Django
python-docker-py -
An API client for docker written in Python
python-ec2-api-doc -
Documentation for OpenStack EC2 API
python-ecdsa -
ECDSA cryptographic signature library
python-editor -
Programmatically open an editor, capture the result.
python-extras -
Useful extra bits for Python
python-fastcache -
C implementation of python3 lru_cache
python-fasteners -
A python package that provides useful locks
python-fixtures -
Fixtures, reusable state for writing clean tests and more
python-funcsigs-doc -
funcsigs documentation
python-gabbi-doc -
Documentation for the gabbi module
python-glance-store -
OpenStack Image Service Store Library
python-glanceclient -
Python API and CLI for OpenStack Glance
python-glanceclient-doc -
Documentation for OpenStack Nova API Client
python-gmpy2 -
Python 2 interface to GMP, MPFR, and MPC
python-gnocchi -
OpenStack gnocchi python libraries
python-gnocchiclient -
Python API and CLI for OpenStack Gnocchi
python-hardware -
Hardware detection and classification utilities
python-http-parser -
HTTP request/response parser for Python
python-idna -
Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA)
python-ipaddress -
Port of the python 3.3+ ipaddress module to 2.6+
python-ironicclient -
Python client for Ironic
python-jsonpatch -
Applying JSON Patches in Python
python-jsonpath-rw -
Extended implementation of JSONPath for Python
python-jsonpath-rw-ext-doc -
jsonpath-rw-ext documentation
python-jsonpointer -
Resolve JSON Pointers in Python
python-jsonrpclib -
JSON-RPC v2.0 client library for Python
python-jsonschema -
An implementation of JSON Schema validation for Python
python-junitxml -
PyJUnitXML, a pyunit extension to output JUnit compatible XML
python-kafka -
Pure Python client for Apache Kafka
python-kazoo -
Higher level Python Zookeeper client
python-keyring -
Python 2 library to store and access passwords safely
python-keystone -
Keystone Python libraries
python-keystoneauth1-doc -
Documentation for OpenStack Identity Authentication Library
python-keystoneclient -
Client library for OpenStack Identity API
python-keystonemiddleware -
Middleware for OpenStack Identity
python-ldap3 -
Strictly RFC 4511 conforming LDAP V3 pure Python client
python-lesscpy -
Lesscss compiler
python-linecache2 -
Backport of the linecache module
python-lz4 -
LZ4 Bindings for Python
python-manilaclient -
Client Library for OpenStack Share API
python-manilaclient-doc -
Documentation for OpenStack Share API Client
python-memcached -
A Python memcached client library
python-migrate -
Schema migration tools for SQLAlchemy
python-monotonic -
An implementation of time.monotonic() for Python 2 & < 3.3
python-msgpack -
A Python MessagePack (de)serializer
python-ncclient -
Python library for NETCONF clients
python-netaddr -
A pure Python network address representation and manipulation library
python-networking-cisco -
Cisco OpenStack Neutron driver
python-networkx -
Creates and Manipulates Graphs and Networks
python-networkx-core -
Creates and Manipulates Graphs and Networks
python-networkx-doc -
Documentation for networkx
python-neutron -
Neutron Python libraries
python-neutron-tests -
Neutron tests
python-neutronclient -
Python API and CLI for OpenStack Neutron
python-nose-exclude -
Exclude specific directories from nosetests runs
python-nose-xcover -
Extends nose.plugins.cover to add Cobertura-style XML reports
python-openstack-doc-tools-doc -
Tools for OpenStack Documentation - documentation
python-openstack-nose-plugin -
openstack run_tests.py style output for nosetests
python-openstackclient -
OpenStack Command-line Client
python-openstackclient-doc -
Documentation for OpenStack Nova API Client
python-openstackdocstheme-doc -
openstackdocstheme documentation
python-openvswitch -
Open vSwitch python bindings
python-os-testr -
A testr wrapper to provide functionality for OpenStack projects
python-os-testr-doc -
Documentation for ostestr module
python-oslo-cache -
Cache storage for Openstack projects
python-oslo-cache-doc -
Documentation for the OpenStack Oslo Cache library
python-oslo-concurrency -
OpenStack Oslo concurrency library
python-oslo-concurrency-tests -
Tests for the Oslo concurrency library
python-oslo-db -
OpenStack oslo.db library
python-oslo-log -
OpenStack Oslo Log library
python-oslo-log-doc -
Documentation for the Oslo Log handling library
python-oslo-messaging -
OpenStack common messaging library
python-oslo-messaging-doc -
Documentation for OpenStack common messaging library
python-oslo-middleware -
OpenStack Oslo Middleware library
python-oslo-policy -
OpenStack Oslo Policy library
python-oslo-rootwrap -
Oslo Rootwrap
python-oslo-service -
Oslo service library
python-oslo-sphinx -
OpenStack Sphinx Extensions and Theme for Python 2
python-oslo-versionedobjects -
OpenStack common versionedobjects library
python-oslo-versionedobjects-doc -
Documentation for OpenStack common versionedobjects library
python-oslo-vmware -
Oslo VMware library for OpenStack projects
python-osprofiler -
OpenStack Profiler Library
python-packaging-doc -
python-packaging documentation
python-pathlib -
Object-oriented filesystem paths
python-pbr -
Python Build Reasonableness
python-pint -
Physical quantities module
python-positional-doc -
Python positional documentation
python-proliantutils -
Client Library for interfacing with various devices in HP Proliant Servers
python-ptyprocess -
Run a subprocess in a pseudo terminal
python-pycadf -
DMTF Cloud Audit (CADF) data model
python-pyeclib -
Python interface to erasure codes
python-pyghmi -
Python General Hardware Management Initiative (IPMI and others)
python-pyglet -
A cross-platform windowing and multimedia library for Python
python-pymemcache -
A comprehensive, fast, pure Python memcached client
python-pyngus -
Callback API implemented over Proton
python-pysaml2 -
Python implementation of SAML Version 2
python-pysaml2-doc -
Documentation for Python implementation of SAML Version 2
python-pyside -
Python bindings for Qt4
python-pyside-devel -
Development files for python-pyside
python-pytest-cov -
Pytest plugin for coverage reporting
python-pytimeparse -
Python time expression parse library
python-qpid -
Python client library for AMQP
python-qpid-common -
Shared code for Qpid Python language bindings
python-qpid-messaging -
Python bindings for the Qpid messaging framework
python-qpid-proton -
Python language bindings for the Qpid Proton messaging framework
python-qpid-proton-doc -
Documentation for the Python language bindings for Qpid Proton
python-qpid-qmf -
The QPID Management Framework bindings for python
python-redis -
Python 2 interface to the Redis key-value store
python-reno-doc -
Reno documentation
python-requests -
HTTP library, written in Python, for human beings
python-requests-kerberos -
A Kerberos authentication handler for python-requests
python-requests-mock -
A requests mocking tool for python
python-restkit -
Restkit is an HTTP resource kit for Python
python-retrying -
General-purpose retrying library in Python
python-rfc3986 -
Validating URI References per RFC 3986
python-rjsmin-docs -
Javascript Minifier - docs
python-rsa -
Pure-Python RSA implementation
python-ryu -
Component-based Software-defined Networking Framework
python-saharaclient -
Client library for OpenStack Sahara API
python-scss -
A Scss compiler for Python
python-selenium -
Python bindings for Selenium
python-semantic_version -
A library implementing the 'SemVer' scheme
python-semantic_version-doc -
Documentation for python-semantic_version
python-service-identity -
Service identity verification for pyOpenSSL
python-setproctitle -
Python module to customize a process title
python-singledispatch -
This library brings functools.singledispatch from Python 3.4 to Python 2.6-3.3
python-smmap -
Sliding window memory map manager
python-socketpool -
A simple Python socket pool
python-sphinx_rtd_theme -
Sphinx theme for readthedocs.org
python-sphinxcontrib-httpdomain -
Sphinx domain for documenting HTTP APIs
python-sqlite3dbm -
SQLite-backed dictionary conforming to the dbm interface
python-statsd-doc -
Documentation of the Python client for the statsd daemon
python-subprocess32 -
Backport of subprocess module from Python 3.2 to Python 2.*
python-subunit -
Streaming protocol for test results
python-swiftclient -
Client Library for OpenStack Object Storage API
python-tablib -
Format agnostic tabular data library (XLS, JSON, YAML, CSV)
python-taskflow -
Taskflow structured state management library
python-tempest-lib -
OpenStack Functional Testing Library
python-termcolor -
ANSII Color formatting for output in terminal
python-testrepository -
A repository of test results
python-testresources -
Testresources, a pyunit extension for managing expensive test resources
python-testscenarios -
Testscenarios, a pyunit extension for dependency injection
python-tinyrpc-doc -
Documentation for tinyrpc library
python-tooz -
Coordination library for distributed systems
python-traceback2 -
Backport of the traceback module
python-tripleoclient -
OpenstackClient plugin for tripleoclient
python-trove -
Python libraries for trove
python-troveclient -
Client library for OpenStack DBaaS API
python-twisted -
Twisted is a networking engine written in Python
python-txaio-doc -
Documentation for txaio
python-tzlocal -
A Python module that tries to figure out what your local timezone is
python-unicodecsv -
Drop-in replacement for csv module which supports unicode strings
python-unittest2 -
The new features in unittest backported to Python 2.4+
python-urllib3 -
Python HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling and file post
python-versiontools -
Smart replacement for plain tuple used in __version__
python-waitress -
Waitress WSGI server
python-warlock -
Python object model built on top of JSON schema
python-websockify -
WSGI based adapter for the Websockets protocol
python-wheel -
A built-package format for Python
python-wrapt -
A Python module for decorators, wrappers and monkey patching
python-wrapt-doc -
Documentation for the wrapt module
python-wsgi_intercept-doc -
Documentation for the wsgi-intercept module
python-xcffib -
A drop in replacement for xpyb, an XCB python binding
python-yaql-doc -
Documentation for YAQL library
python-zaqarclient -
Client Library for OpenStack Zaqar Queueing API
python2-APScheduler -
In-process task scheduler with Cron-like capabilities
python2-Cython -
A language for writing Python extension modules
python2-ImcSdk -
Python SDK for Cisco IMC
python2-PuLP -
LP modeler written in Python
python2-PyMySQL -
Pure-Python MySQL client library
python2-XStatic -
XStatic base package with minimal support code
python2-XStatic-Angular-FileUpload -
Angular-FileUpload JavaScript library (XStatic packaging standard)
python2-XStatic-Angular-Schema-Form -
Angular-Schema-Form JavaScript library (XStatic packaging standard)
python2-XStatic-bootswatch -
bootswatch (XStatic packaging standard)
python2-XStatic-mdi -
mdi (XStatic packaging standard)
python2-XStatic-objectpath -
ObjectPath JavaScript library (XStatic packaging standard)
python2-XStatic-roboto-fontface -
roboto-fontface (XStatic packaging standard)
python2-XStatic-tv4 -
tv4 JavaScript library (XStatic packaging standard)
python2-appdirs -
Python 2 module for determining platform-specific directoriess
python2-autobahn -
Python networking library for WebSocket and WAMP
python2-babel -
Library for internationalizing Python applications
python2-backports_abc -
A backport of recent additions to the 'collections.abc' module
python2-bashate -
A pep8 equivalent for bash scripts
python2-botocore -
Low-level, data-driven core of boto 3
python2-cachez -
Cache decorator for global or instance level memoize
python2-castellan -
Generic Key Manager interface for OpenStack
python2-certifi -
python2-cffi -
Foreign Function Interface for Python 3 to call C code
python2-colorama -
Cross-platform colored terminal text
python2-cotyledon -
Cotyledon provides a framework for defining long-running services
python2-cotyledon-tests -
Cotyledon provides a framework for defining long-running services
python2-cradox -
Python libraries for the Ceph librados library with use cython instead of ctypes
python2-cycler -
Cycle through lists in various ways (used by matplotlib)
python2-ddt -
Data-Driven/Decorated Tests
python2-debtcollector -
A collection of Python deprecation patterns and strategies
python2-debtcollector-doc -
Documentation for the debtcollector module
python2-deprecation -
A library to handle automated deprecations
python2-django-babel -
Utilities for using Babel in Django
python2-django-formtools -
A set of high-level abstractions for Django forms
python2-django-formtools-doc -
A set of high-level abstractions for Django forms - documentation
python2-django-openstack-auth -
Django authentication backend for OpenStack Keystone
python2-docopt -
Pythonic argument parser, that will make you smile
python2-dulwich -
A python implementation of the Git file formats and protocols
python2-ec2-api -
Support of EC2 API for OpenStack
python2-epi -
Tool for looking at the entry point plugins on a system
python2-eventlet -
Highly concurrent networking library
python2-eventlet-doc -
Documentation for python-eventlet
python2-falcon -
A supersonic micro-framework for building cloud APIs
python2-fasteners -
A python package that provides useful locks
python2-funcsigs -
Python function signatures from PEP362 for Python 2.6, 2.7 and 3.2+
python2-functools32 -
Backport of the functools module from Python 3.2 for use on 2.7
python2-futurist -
Useful additions to futures, from the future
python2-gabbi -
Declarative HTTP testing library
python2-gevent -
A coroutine-based Python networking library
python2-google-api-client -
Google APIs Client Library for Python
python2-hacking -
OpenStack Hacking Guideline Enforcement
python2-hypothesis -
A library for property based testing
python2-idna -
Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA)
python2-influxdb -
InfluxDB client
python2-ironic-inspector-client -
Python client and CLI tool for Ironic Inspector
python2-iso8601 -
Simple module to parse ISO 8601 dates
python2-jmespath -
JSON Matching Expressions
python2-jsonpatch -
Applying JSON Patches in Python 2
python2-jsonpath-rw-ext -
Extensions for JSONPath RW
python2-jsonpointer -
Resolve JSON Pointers in Python
python2-keycloak-httpd-client-install -
Tools to configure Apache HTTPD as Keycloak client
python2-keystoneauth1 -
Authentication Libarary for OpenStack Identity
python2-kubernetes -
Kubernetes Python Client
python2-kubernetes-tests -
Tests python-kubernetes library
python2-lz4 -
LZ4 Bindings for Python 2
python2-marathon -
Python client library/interface to the Mesos Marathon REST API
python2-mock -
A Python Mocking and Patching Library for Testing
python2-mox3 -
Mock object framework for Python
python2-nose-cov -
nose plugin for coverage reporting, including subprocesses and multiprocessing
python2-olefile -
Python package to parse, read and write Microsoft OLE2 files
python2-openstack-doc-tools -
Tools for OpenStack Documentation
python2-openstackdocstheme -
OpenStack Docs Theme
python2-os-brick -
OpenStack Cinder brick library for managing local volume attaches
python2-os-client-config -
OpenStack Client Configuation Library
python2-os-client-config-doc -
Documentation for OpenStack os-client-config library
python2-oslo-context -
OpenStack Oslo Context library
python2-oslo-context-doc -
Documentation for the OpenStack Oslo context library
python2-oslo-i18n -
OpenStack i18n Python 2 library
python2-oslo-i18n-doc -
Documentation for OpenStack i18n library
python2-oslo-reports -
Openstack common reports library
python2-oslo-reports-doc -
Documentation for OpenStack common messaging library
python2-oslo-serialization -
OpenStack oslo.serialization library
python2-oslo-utils -
OpenStack Oslo Utility library
python2-oslo-utils-doc -
Documentation for the Oslo Utility library
python2-oslotest -
OpenStack test framework
python2-packaging -
Core utilities for Python packages
python2-pandas -
Python library providing high-performance data analysis tools
python2-passlib -
Comprehensive password hashing framework supporting over 20 schemes
python2-pecan -
A lean WSGI object-dispatching web framework
python2-persist-queue -
A single process, persistent multi-producer, multi-consumer queue
python2-pifpaf -
Pifpaf is a suite of fixtures to manage daemons
python2-pika_pool -
Pools for pikas
python2-pillow -
Python 2 image processing library
python2-pillow-devel -
Development files for pillow
python2-pillow-doc -
Documentation for pillow
python2-pillow-qt -
Qt pillow image wrapper
python2-pillow-tk -
Tk interface for pillow
python2-positional -
Library to enforce positional or keyword arguments
python2-psutil -
A process and system utilities module for Python
python2-py -
Library with cross-python path, ini-parsing, io, code, log facilities
python2-pydotplus -
Python interface to Graphviz's Dot language
python2-pykmip -
Python implementation of the Key Management Interoperability Protocol
python2-pykwalify -
Python lib/cli for JSON/YAML schema validation
python2-pysaml2 -
Python implementation of SAML Version 2
python2-pysnmp -
An SNMP engine written in Python
python2-pysocks -
A Python SOCKS client module
python2-pytest -
Simple powerful testing with Python
python2-python-etcd -
A python client library for etcd
python2-queuelib -
A collection of persistent (disk-based) queues
python2-rcssmin -
CSS Minifier
python2-reno -
Release Notes Manager
python2-requests -
HTTP library, written in Python, for human beings
python2-requestsexceptions -
Import exceptions from potentially bundled packages in requests
python2-retryz -
Retry decorator with a bunch of configuration parameters
python2-rfc3986 -
Validating URI References per RFC 3986
python2-rjsmin -
Javascript Minifier
python2-rsa -
Pure-Python RSA implementation
python2-scss -
A Scss compiler for Python
python2-setuptools_scm -
The blessed package to manage your versions by scm tags
python2-singledispatch -
This library brings functools.singledispatch from Python 3.4 to Python 2.6-3.3
python2-snappy -
Python library for the snappy compression library from Google
python2-sphinx-argparse -
Sphinx extension that automatically documents argparse commands and options
python2-sphinx-testing -
Testing utility classes and functions for Sphinx extensions
python2-sphinxcontrib-pecanwsme -
Extension to Sphinx for documenting APIs built with Pecan and WSME
python2-sphinxcontrib-programoutput -
Extension to insert output of commands into documents
python2-statsd -
A Python statsd client
python2-sure -
Utility belt for automated testing in Python 2
python2-tenacity -
Tenacity is a general purpose retrying library
python2-tinyrpc -
A modular RPC library
python2-tinyrpc-tests -
Tests for python2-tinyrpc library
python2-twisted -
Twisted is a networking engine written in Python
python2-txaio -
Compatibility API between asyncio/Twisted/Trollius
python2-ujson -
An ultra fast JSON encoder and decoder written in pure C
python2-uri-templates -
A Python implementation of URI Templates
python2-urllib3 -
Python2 HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling and file post
python2-weakrefmethod -
A WeakMethod class for storing bound methods using weak references
python2-wsaccel -
Accelerator for ws4py and AutobahnPython
python2-wsgi_intercept -
wsgi_intercept installs a WSGI application in place of a real URI for testing
python2-wsme -
Web Services Made Easy
python2-xmltodict -
A Python to transform XML to JSON
python2-yaql -
YAQL library has a out of the box large set of commonly used functions.
python2-zake -
Testing utilities for the kazoo library
qhull -
General dimension convex hull programs
qhull-devel -
Development files for qhull
qpid-cpp-client -
Libraries for Qpid C++ client applications
qpid-cpp-client-devel -
Header files, documentation and testing tools for developing Qpid C++ clients
qpid-cpp-client-devel-docs -
AMQP client development documentation
qpid-cpp-client-rdma -
RDMA Protocol support (including Infiniband) for Qpid clients
qpid-cpp-server -
An AMQP message broker daemon
qpid-cpp-server-ha -
Provides extensions to the AMQP message broker to provide high availability
qpid-cpp-server-linearstore -
Red Hat persistence extension to the Qpid messaging sytem
qpid-cpp-server-rdma -
RDMA Protocol support (including Infiniband) for the Qpid daemon
qpid-cpp-server-store -
Red Hat persistence extension to the Qpid messaging system
qpid-cpp-server-xml -
XML extensions for the Qpid daemon
qpid-dispatch-docs -
Documentation for the Qpid Dispatch router
qpid-dispatch-router -
The Qpid Dispatch Router executable
qpid-dispatch-tools -
Tools for the Qpid Dispatch router
qpid-proton-c -
C libraries for Qpid Proton
qpid-proton-c-devel -
Development libraries for writing messaging apps with Qpid Proton
qpid-proton-c-devel-doc -
Documentation for the C development libraries for Qpid Proton
qpid-qmf -
The QPID Management Framework
qpid-qmf-devel -
Header files and tools for developing QMF extensions
qpid-tools -
Management and diagostic tools for Apache Qpid
rdo-rpm-macros -
Compat RPM macros for RDO Packages
redis -
A persistent key-value database
roboto-fontface-common -
roboto-fontface commons
roboto-fontface-fonts -
roboto-fontface fonts
ruby-qpid-qmf -
The QPID Management Framework bindings for ruby
sip -
SIP - Python/C++ Bindings Generator
sip-devel -
Files needed to generate Python bindings for any C++ class library
sip-macros -
RPM macros for use when working with SIP
subunit -
C bindings for subunit
subunit-cppunit -
Subunit integration into cppunit
subunit-cppunit-devel -
Header files for applications that use cppunit and subunit
subunit-devel -
Header files for developing C applications that use subunit
subunit-filters -
Command line filters for processing subunit streams
subunit-perl -
Perl bindings for subunit
subunit-shell -
Shell bindings for subunit
supervisor -
A System for Allowing the Control of Process State on UNIX
sympy -
A Python library for symbolic mathematics
sympy-doc -
Documentation for sympy
sympy-examples -
Sympy examples
sympy-texmacs -
TeXmacs integration for sympy
ttembed -
Remove embedding limitations from TrueType fonts
web-assets-devel -
RPM macros for Web Assets packaging
web-assets-filesystem -
The basic directory layout for Web Assets
web-assets-httpd -
Web Assets aliases for the Apache HTTP daemon
xstatic-angular-fileupload-common -
Angular-FileUpload (XStatic packaging standard) JavaScript library
xstatic-angular-schema-form-common -
Angular-Schema-Form JavaScript library (XStatic packaging standard)
xstatic-objectpath-common -
ObjectPath JavaScript library (XStatic packaging standard)
xstatic-tv4-common -
tv4 JavaScript library (XStatic packaging standard)