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CentOS 7 - Cloud for x86_64: unspecified: python-django-openstack-auth

python-django-openstack-auth - Django authentication backend for OpenStack Keystone

License: BSD
Vendor: Centos
Django OpenStack Auth is a pluggable Django authentication backend that
works with Django's ``contrib.auth`` framework to authenticate a user against
OpenStack's Keystone Identity API.

The current version is designed to work with the
Keystone V2 API.


python-django-openstack-auth-1.2.0-6.el7.noarch [103 KiB] Changelog by Matthias Runge (2015-10-02):
- fix login/logout issues (rhbz#1218894)
python-django-openstack-auth-1.2.0-2.el7.noarch [102 KiB] Changelog by Alan Pevec (2015-05-08):
- update Use AbstractUser instead of AnonymousUser (mrunge)
  Fixes rhbz#1218894 rhbz#1218899
- drop pbr.version removal

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