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virt-manager - Virtual Machine Manager

License: GPLv2+
Vendor: Scientific Linux CERN,
Virtual Machine Manager provides a graphical tool for administering virtual
machines for KVM, Xen, and QEmu. Start, stop, add or remove virtual devices,
connect to a graphical or serial console, and see resource usage statistics
for existing VMs on local or remote machines. Uses libvirt as the backend
management API.


virt-manager-0.6.1-8.el5.ia64 [1.5 MiB] Changelog by Cole Robinson (2009-07-29):
- Fix supported OS URL to actually launch a web browser (bz 500927)
virt-manager-0.5.3-10.el5.ia64 [1.2 MiB] Changelog by Cole Robinson (2008-09-19):
- Allow specifying a keymap when adding a vnc graphics device (bz 251431)
- Try to determine block devices sizes, print '-' otherwise (bz 453061)
- Show 'help' in host dialog, not 'about' (bz 443604)
- Don't default to selecting invalid bridge device (bz 446498)
- Desensitive 'Add Network' button if not connected to hypervisor (bz 457878)
- Fix command line options (bz 441841)
- Reconnect with open serial console after VM restart (bz 248973)

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.5-1.el5