Jump to letter: [
system environment/libraries
ConsoleKit -
System daemon for tracking users, sessions and seats
DeviceKit-power -
Power Management Service
ImageMagick-c++ -
ImageMagick Magick++ library (C++ bindings)
ImageMagick-perl -
ImageMagick perl bindings
PackageKit -
Package management service
PackageKit-yum -
PackageKit YUM backend
A cross-platform multimedia library
abrt-addon-ccpp -
abrt's C/C++ addon
abrt-addon-kerneloops -
abrt's kerneloops addon
abrt-addon-python -
abrt's addon for catching and analyzing Python exceptions
abrt-addon-vmcore -
abrt's vmcore addon
abrt-libs -
Libraries for abrt
abrt-plugin-bugzilla -
abrt's bugzilla plugin
abrt-plugin-filetransfer -
abrt's File Transfer plugin
abrt-plugin-logger -
abrt's logger reporter plugin
abrt-plugin-mailx -
abrt's mailx reporter plugin
abrt-plugin-reportuploader -
abrt's reportuploader plugin
abrt-plugin-rhtsupport -
abrt's RHTSupport plugin
abrt-plugin-runapp -
abrt's runapp plugin
abrt-plugin-sosreport -
abrt's sosreport plugin
abrt-python -
akonadi -
PIM Storage Service
alsa-lib -
The Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) library
alsa-plugins-arcamav -
Arcam AV amplifier plugin for ALSA
alsa-plugins-maemo -
Maemo plugin for ALSA
alsa-plugins-oss -
Oss PCM output plugin for ALSA
alsa-plugins-pulseaudio -
Alsa to PulseAudio backend
alsa-plugins-samplerate -
External rate converter plugin for ALSA
alsa-plugins-speex -
Rate Converter Plugin Using Speex Resampler
alsa-plugins-upmix -
Upmixer channel expander plugin for ALSA
alsa-plugins-usbstream -
USB stream plugin for ALSA
alsa-plugins-vdownmix -
Downmixer to stereo plugin for ALSA
apr -
Apache Portable Runtime library
apr-util -
Apache Portable Runtime Utility library
atk -
Interfaces for accessibility support
atlas -
Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software
atlas-3dnow -
ATLAS libraries for 3DNow extensions
atlas-sse -
ATLAS libraries for SSE extensions
atlas-sse2 -
ATLAS libraries for SSE2 extensions
atlas-sse3 -
ATLAS libraries for SSE3 extensions
augeas -
A library for changing configuration files
augeas-libs -
Libraries for augeas
avahi-libs -
Libraries for avahi run-time use
bind-dyndb-ldap -
LDAP back-end plug-in for BIND
binutils-devel -
BFD and opcodes static libraries and header files
bluez-libs -
Libraries for use in Bluetooth applications
boost -
The free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries
boost-date-time -
Runtime component of boost date-time library
boost-filesystem -
Runtime component of boost filesystem library
boost-graph -
Runtime component of boost graph library
boost-graph-mpich -
Runtime component of parallel boost graph library
boost-graph-mpich2 -
Runtime component of parallel boost graph library
boost-graph-openmpi -
Runtime component of parallel boost graph library
boost-iostreams -
Runtime component of boost iostreams library
boost-math -
Math functions for boost TR1 library
boost-mpich -
Runtime component of Boost.MPI library
boost-mpich-devel -
Shared library symlinks for Boost.MPI
boost-mpich-python -
Python runtime component of Boost.MPI library
boost-mpich2 -
Runtime component of Boost.MPI library
boost-mpich2-devel -
Shared library symlinks for Boost.MPI
boost-mpich2-python -
Python runtime component of Boost.MPI library
boost-openmpi -
Runtime component of Boost.MPI library
boost-openmpi-devel -
Shared library symlinks for Boost.MPI
boost-openmpi-python -
Python runtime component of Boost.MPI library
boost-program-options -
Runtime component of boost program_options library
boost-python -
Runtime component of boost python library
boost-regex -
Runtime component of boost regular expression library
boost-serialization -
Runtime component of boost serialization library
boost-signals -
Runtime component of boost signals and slots library
boost-system -
Runtime component of boost system support library
boost-test -
Runtime component of boost test library
boost-thread -
Runtime component of boost thread library
boost-wave -
Runtime component of boost C99/C++ preprocessing library
brasero-libs -
Libraries for brasero
bzip2-libs -
Libraries for applications using bzip2
c-ares -
A library that performs asynchronous DNS operations
cairo -
A 2D graphics library
ccid -
Generic USB CCID smart card reader driver
clufter-bin -
Common internal compiled files for clufter
clufter-common -
Common internal data files for clufter
clufter-lib-ccs -
Extra plugins for transforming/analyzing CMAN configuration
clufter-lib-general -
Extra clufter plugins usable for/as generic/auxiliary products
clufter-lib-pcs -
Extra plugins for transforming/analyzing Pacemaker configuration
clusterlib -
The Red Hat Cluster libraries
compat-dapl -
Library providing access to the DAT 1.2 API
compat-dapl-devel -
Development files for the dapl-1.2 compat libdat and libdapl libraries
compat-dapl-static -
Static libdat and libdapl libraries
compat-dapl-utils -
Test suites for dapl 1.2 libraries
compat-db -
The Berkeley DB database compatibility library
compat-db42 -
The Berkeley DB database 4.2.52 compatibility library
compat-db43 -
The Berkeley DB database 4.3.29 compatibility library
compat-libxcb -
A C binding to the X11 protocol
compat-openldap -
OpenLDAP compatibility shared libraries
compat-opensm-libs -
Back compatability libraries for the IB management stack
compat-xcb-util -
Compatibility libraries atop libxcb
coolkey -
CoolKey PKCS #11 module
coolkey-devel -
CoolKey Applet libraries
coreutils-libs -
Libraries for coreutils
corosynclib -
The Corosync Cluster Engine Libraries
cracklib -
A password-checking library
cracklib-dicts -
The standard CrackLib dictionaries
cryptsetup-luks-libs -
Cryptsetup shared library
cryptsetup-reencrypt-libs -
Cryptsetup reencrypt library
cups-libs -
Common Unix Printing System - libraries
cyrus-sasl -
The Cyrus SASL library
cyrus-sasl-gssapi -
GSSAPI authentication support for Cyrus SASL
cyrus-sasl-ldap -
LDAP auxprop support for Cyrus SASL
cyrus-sasl-lib -
Shared libraries needed by applications which use Cyrus SASL
cyrus-sasl-md5 -
CRAM-MD5 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication support for Cyrus SASL
cyrus-sasl-ntlm -
NTLM authentication support for Cyrus SASL
cyrus-sasl-plain -
PLAIN and LOGIN authentication support for Cyrus SASL
cyrus-sasl-sql -
SQL auxprop support for Cyrus SASL
dapl -
Library providing access to the DAT 2.0 API
dapl-devel -
Development files for the libdat and libdapl libraries
dapl-static -
Static libdat and libdapl libraries
dapl-utils -
Test suites for dapl libraries
db4 -
The Berkeley DB database library (version 4) for C
db4-cxx -
The Berkeley DB database library (version 4) for C++
dbus -
D-BUS message bus
dbus-glib -
GLib bindings for D-Bus
device-mapper-event-libs -
Device-mapper event daemon shared library
device-mapper-libs -
Device-mapper shared library
device-mapper-multipath-libs -
The device-mapper-multipath modules and shared library
eclipse-birt -
Eclipse-based reporting system
eclipse-dtp -
Eclipse Data Tools Platform
eclipse-emf -
Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) Eclipse plugin
eclipse-emf-examples -
Eclipse EMF/XSD examples
eclipse-emf-sdk -
Eclipse EMF SDK
eclipse-emf-xsd -
XML Schema Definition (XSD) Eclipse plugin
eclipse-emf-xsd-sdk -
Eclipse XSD SDK
eclipse-gef -
Graphical Editing Framework (GEF) Eclipse plugin
eclipse-gef-examples -
Eclipse GEF examples
eclipse-gef-sdk -
Eclipse GEF SDK
enchant -
An Enchanting Spell Checking Library
enchant-aspell -
Integration with aspell for libenchant
enchant-voikko -
Integration with voikko for libenchant
evince-libs -
Libraries for the evince document viewer
evolution-data-server -
Backend data server for Evolution
expat -
An XML parser library
fcoe-target-utils -
An administration shell for FCoE storage targets
fipscheck -
A library for integrity verification of FIPS validated modules
fipscheck-devel -
Development files for fipscheck
fipscheck-lib -
Library files for fipscheck
fontconfig -
Font configuration and customization library
foomatic -
Database of printers and printer drivers
foomatic-db -
Database of printers and printer drivers
foomatic-db-ppds -
PPDs from printer manufacturers
freetype -
A free and portable font rendering engine
freetype-demos -
A collection of FreeType demos
fribidi -
Library implementing the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm
fribidi-devel -
Libraries and include files for FriBidi
fuse-libs -
File System in Userspace (FUSE) libraries
gc -
A garbage collector for C and C++
gd -
A graphics library for quick creation of PNG or JPEG images
gdbm -
A GNU set of database routines which use extensible hashing
gdk-pixbuf2 -
An image loading library
gegl -
A graph based image processing framework
gettext-libs -
Libraries for gettext
gimp-libs -
GIMP libraries
glib2 -
A library of handy utility functions
glibc -
The GNU libc libraries
gmp -
A GNU arbitrary precision library
gnome-desktop -
Shared code among gnome-panel, gnome-session, nautilus, etc
gnome-disk-utility -
Disk management application
gnome-keyring -
Framework for managing passwords and other secrets
gnome-vfs2 -
The GNOME virtual file-system libraries
gnome-vfs2-smb -
Windows fileshare support for gnome-vfs
gnutls -
A TLS protocol implementation
gpm-libs -
Dynamic library for for the gpm
gtk2 -
The GIMP ToolKit (GTK+), a library for creating GUIs for X
gtk2-immodule-xim -
XIM support for GTK+
gtk2-immodules -
Input methods for GTK+
gtkhtml3 -
GtkHTML library
gutenprint-foomatic -
Foomatic printer database information for gutenprint
gvfs -
Backends for the gio framework in GLib
gvfs-afc -
AFC support for gvfs
gvfs-archive -
Archiving support for gvfs
gvfs-fuse -
FUSE support for gvfs
gvfs-gphoto2 -
gphoto2 support for gvfs
gvfs-obexftp -
ObexFTP support for gvfs
gvfs-smb -
Windows fileshare support for gvfs
hal -
Hardware Abstraction Layer
hal-info -
Device information files for HAL
hal-storage-addon -
Storage polling support for HAL
hplip-common -
Files needed by the HPLIP printer and scanner drivers
hplip-libs -
HPLIP libraries
ibsim -
InfiniBand fabric simulator for management
ibus -
Intelligent Input Bus for Linux OS
ibus-anthy -
The Anthy engine for IBus input platform
ibus-chewing -
The Chewing engine for IBus input platform
ibus-gtk -
IBus im module for gtk2
ibus-hangul -
The Hangul engine for IBus input platform
ibus-libs -
IBus libraries
ibus-m17n -
The M17N engine for IBus platform
ibus-table -
Table engine for IBus
ibus-table-additional -
Additional tables for general table engine of IBus
ibus-table-erbi -
Erbi input method tables for IBus-Table
ibutils -
OpenIB Mellanox InfiniBand Diagnostic Tools
ibutils-devel -
Development files to use the ibutils shared libraries
ibutils-libs -
Shared libraries used by ibutils binaries
infiniband-diags -
OpenFabrics Alliance InfiniBand Diagnostic Tools
infiniband-diags-devel -
Development files for the infiniband-diags library
infiniband-diags-devel-static -
Static development files for the infiniband-diags library
infinipath-psm -
QLogic PSM Libraries
ipa-python -
Python libraries used by IPA
jasper -
Implementation of the JPEG-2000 standard, Part 1
jasper-libs -
Runtime libraries for jasper
jss -
Java Security Services (JSS)
kdeaccessibility-libs -
Runtime libraries for kdeaccessibility
kdebase-libs -
Runtime libraries for kdebase
kdebase-workspace-libs -
Runtime libraries for kdebase-workspace
kdelibs -
K Desktop Environment 4 - Libraries
kdelibs-common -
Common files for KDE 3 and KDE 4 libraries
kdelibs3 -
K Desktop Environment 3 - Libraries
kdenetwork-libs -
Runtime libraries for kdenetwork
kdepim-libs -
kdepim runtime libraries
kdepim-runtime-libs -
kdepim-runtime runtime libraries
kdesdk-libs -
Runtime libraries for kdesdk
kdeutils-libs -
Runtime libraries for kdeutils
kdewebdev-libs -
kdewebdev runtime libraries
kipi-plugins-libs -
Runtime libraries for kipi-plugins
krb5-libs -
The non-admin shared libraries used by Kerberos 5
krb5-pkinit-openssl -
The PKINIT module for Kerberos 5
lasso -
Liberty Alliance Single Sign On
ldns -
Low-level DNS(SEC) library with API
libSM -
X.Org X11 SM runtime library
libX11 -
Core X11 protocol client library
libX11-common -
Common data for libX11
libXScrnSaver -
X.Org X11 libXss runtime library
libXau -
Sample Authorization Protocol for X
libXaw -
X Athena Widget Set
libXcomposite -
X Composite Extension library
libXcursor -
Cursor management library
libXdamage -
X Damage extension library
libXdmcp -
X Display Manager Control Protocol library
libXevie -
X Event Interceptor Library
libXext -
X.Org X11 libXext runtime library
libXfixes -
X Fixes library
libXfont -
X.Org X11 libXfont runtime library
libXft -
X.Org X11 libXft runtime library
libXi -
X.Org X11 libXi runtime library
libXinerama -
X.Org X11 libXinerama runtime library
libXmu -
X.Org X11 libXmu/libXmuu runtime libraries
libXp -
X.Org X11 libXp runtime library
libXpm -
X.Org X11 libXpm runtime library
libXrandr -
X.Org X11 libXrandr runtime library
libXrender -
X.Org X11 libXrender runtime library
libXres -
X-Resource extension client library
libXt -
X.Org X11 libXt runtime library
libXtst -
X.Org X11 libXtst runtime library
libXv -
X.Org X11 libXv runtime library
libXvMC -
X.Org X11 libXvMC runtime library
libXxf86dga -
X.Org X11 libXxf86dga runtime library
libXxf86misc -
X.Org X11 libXxf86misc runtime library
libXxf86vm -
X.Org X11 libXxf86vm runtime library
libacl -
Dynamic library for access control list support
libarchive -
A library for handling streaming archive formats
libatasmart -
ATA S.M.A.R.T. Disk Health Monitoring Library
libatomic -
The GNU Atomic library
libattr -
Dynamic library for extended attribute support
libbonobo -
Bonobo component system
libburn -
Library for reading, mastering and writing optical discs
libcanberra -
Portable Sound Event Library
libcanberra-gtk2 -
Gtk+ Bindings for libcanberra
libcap -
Library for getting and setting POSIX.1e capabilities
libcap-ng -
An alternate posix capabilities library
libcilkrts -
The Cilk+ runtime library
libcmpiutil -
CMPI Utility Library
libcxgb3 -
Chelsio T3 iWARP HCA Userspace Driver
libcxgb3-static -
Static version of the libcxgb3 driver
libcxgb4 -
Chelsio T4 iWARP HCA Userspace Driver
libcxgb4-static -
Static version of the libcxgb4 driver
libdmx -
X.Org X11 DMX runtime library
libdrm -
Direct Rendering Manager runtime library
libee -
Event expression library inspired by CEE
libee-utils -
Optional utilities like libee-convert
libevdev -
Kernel Evdev Device Wrapper Library
libevdev-devel -
Kernel Evdev Device Wrapper Library Development Package
libevdev-utils -
Kernel Evdev Device Wrapper Library Utilities Package
libevent -
Abstract asynchronous event notification library
libevent2 -
Abstract asynchronous event notification library
libexif -
Library for extracting extra information from image files
libfontenc -
X.Org X11 libfontenc runtime library
libgcc -
GCC version 4.4 shared support library
libgcj -
Java runtime library for gcc
libgcj-src -
Java library sources from GCC4 preview
libgcrypt -
A general-purpose cryptography library
libgdata -
Library for the GData protocol
libgfortran -
Fortran runtime
libgfortran4 -
Fortran runtime v4
libgfortran5 -
Fortran runtime v5
libgnat -
GNU Ada 95 runtime shared libraries
libgnat-devel -
GNU Ada 95 libraries
libgomp -
GCC OpenMP v3.0 shared support library
libgpg-error -
Library for error values used by GnuPG components
libgssglue -
Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface Library
libgtop2 -
libgtop library (version 2)
libguestfs-winsupport -
Add support for Windows guests to libguestfs
libgweather -
A library for weather information
libhbaapi -
libhbalinux -
FC-HBAAPI implementation using scsi_transport_fc interfaces
libhugetlbfs -
A library which provides easy access to huge pages of memory
libibcm -
Userspace InfiniBand Connection Manager
libibcm-devel -
Development files for the libibcm library
libibcm-static -
Static version of libibcm libraries
libibmad -
OpenFabrics Alliance InfiniBand MAD library
libibmad-devel -
Development files for the libibmad library
libibmad-static -
Static version of the libibmad library
libibumad -
OpenFabrics Alliance InfiniBand umad (user MAD) library
libibumad-devel -
Development files for the libibumad library
libibumad-static -
Static version of the libibumad library
libibverbs -
A library for direct userspace use of RDMA (InfiniBand/iWARP) hardware
libibverbs-devel -
Development files for the libibverbs library
libibverbs-devel-static -
Static development files for the libibverbs library
libibverbs-rocee -
A library for direct userspace use of RDMA (InfiniBand/iWARP) hardware
libibverbs-rocee-devel -
Development files for the libibverbs library
libibverbs-rocee-devel-static -
Static development files for the libibverbs library
libibverbs-rocee-utils -
Examples for the libibverbs library
libibverbs-utils -
Examples for the libibverbs library
libical -
Reference implementation of the iCalendar data type and serialization format
libicu -
International Components for Unicode - libraries
libipathverbs -
QLogic InfiniPath HCA Userspace Driver
libipathverbs-static -
Static version of the libipathverbs driver
libitm -
The GNU Transactional Memory library
libjpeg-turbo -
A MMX/SSE2 accelerated library for manipulating JPEG image files
libkadm5 -
Kerberos 5 Administrative libraries
libksba -
X.509 library
libmlx4 -
Mellanox ConnectX InfiniBand HCA Userspace Driver
libmlx4-rocee -
Mellanox ConnectX InfiniBand HCA Userspace Driver
libmlx4-rocee-static -
Static version of the libmlx4 driver
libmlx4-static -
Static version of the libmlx4 driver
libmlx5 -
Mellanox Connect-IB InfiniBand HCA Userspace Driver
libmlx5-static -
Static version of the libmlx4 driver
libmnl -
A minimalistic Netlink library
libmpx -
The Memory Protection Extensions runtime libraries
libmthca -
Mellanox InfiniBand HCA Userspace Driver
libmthca-static -
Development files for the libmthca driver
libmudflap -
GCC mudflap shared support library
libnes -
NetEffect RNIC Userspace Driver
libnes-static -
Static version of the libnes driver
libnetfilter_queue -
Netfilter queue userspace library
libnih -
Lightweight application development library
libobjc -
Objective-C runtime
libocrdma -
Userspace Library for Emulex ROCEE Device.
libocrdma-static -
Static version of the libocrdma driver
libpciaccess -
PCI access library
libpng -
A library of functions for manipulating PNG image format files
libproxy -
A library handling all the details of proxy configuration
libproxy-gnome -
Plugin for libproxy and gnome
libproxy-kde -
Plugin for libproxy and kde
libproxy-mozjs -
Plugin for libproxy and mozjs
libproxy-python -
Binding for libproxy and python
libproxy-webkit -
Plugin for libproxy and webkit
libqb -
An IPC library for high performance servers
libquadmath -
GCC __float128 shared support library
librdmacm -
Userspace RDMA Connection Manager
librdmacm-devel -
Development files for the librdmacm library
librdmacm-static -
Static development files for the librdmacm library
librdmacm-utils -
Examples for the librdmacm library
librelp -
The Reliable Event Logging Protocol library
libreport -
Generic library for reporting various problems
libreport-compat -
libreport's compat layer for obsoleted 'report' package
libreport-plugin-bugzilla -
libreport's bugzilla plugin
libreport-plugin-kerneloops -
libreport's kerneloops reporter plugin
libreport-plugin-logger -
libreport's logger reporter plugin
libreport-plugin-mailx -
libreport's mailx reporter plugin
libreport-plugin-reportuploader -
libreport's reportuploader plugin
libreport-plugin-rhtsupport -
libreport's RHTSupport plugin
libreport-plugin-ureport -
libreport's micro report plugin
libreport-python -
Python bindings for report-libs
librsvg2 -
An SVG library based on cairo
libselinux -
SELinux library and simple utilities
libsemanage -
SELinux binary policy manipulation library
libsepol -
SELinux binary policy manipulation library
libsndfile -
Library for reading and writing sound files
libspectre -
A library for rendering PostScript(TM) documents
libssh2 -
A library implementing the SSH2 protocol
libstdc++ -
GNU Standard C++ Library
libsysfs -
Shared library for interfacing with sysfs
libtar -
Tar file manipulation API
libtasn1 -
The ASN.1 library used in GNUTLS
libtiff -
Library of functions for manipulating TIFF format image files
libtirpc -
Transport Independent RPC Library
libudev -
Dynamic library to access udev device information
libunistring -
GNU Unicode string library
libusb1 -
A library which allows userspace access to USB devices
libvncserver -
Library to make writing a vnc server easy
libvorbis -
The Vorbis General Audio Compression Codec.
libvpd -
VPD Database access library for lsvpd
libvpx -
VP8 Video Codec SDK
libwacom -
Tablet Information Client Library
libwacom-data -
Tablet Information Client Library Library Data Files
libwacom-devel -
Tablet Information Client Library Library Development Package
libwmf -
Windows MetaFile Library
libwmf-lite -
Windows Metafile parser library
libwnck -
Window Navigator Construction Kit
libwsman1 -
Open-source Implementation of WS-Management
libx86 -
Library for making real-mode x86 calls
libxcb -
A C binding to the X11 protocol
libyaml -
YAML 1.1 parser and emitter written in C
lksctp-tools -
User-space access to Linux Kernel SCTP
lksctp-tools-doc -
Documents pertaining to SCTP
lm_sensors-libs -
Linux hardware monitoring core libraries
lvm2-libs -
Shared libraries for lvm2
lzo -
Data compression library with very fast (de)compression
lzo-minilzo -
Mini version of lzo for apps which don't need the full version
m17n-contrib -
Contributed multilingualization datafiles for m17n-lib
m17n-contrib-assamese -
Contributed input maps for Assamese
m17n-contrib-bengali -
Contributed input maps for Bengali
m17n-contrib-chinese -
Contributed input maps for Chinese
m17n-contrib-czech -
Contributed input maps for Czech
m17n-contrib-esperanto -
Contributed input maps for Esperanto
m17n-contrib-gujarati -
Contributed input maps for Gujarati
m17n-contrib-hindi -
Contributed input maps for Hindi
m17n-contrib-kannada -
Contributed input maps for Kannada
m17n-contrib-kashmiri -
Contributed input maps for Kashmiri
m17n-contrib-maithili -
Contributed input maps for Maithili
m17n-contrib-malayalam -
Contributed input maps for Malayalam
m17n-contrib-marathi -
Contributed input maps for Marathi
m17n-contrib-nepali -
Contributed input maps for Nepali
m17n-contrib-oriya -
Contributed input maps for Oriya
m17n-contrib-pashto -
Contributed input maps for Pashto
m17n-contrib-punjabi -
Contributed input maps for Punjabi
m17n-contrib-russian -
Contributed input maps for Russian
m17n-contrib-sindhi -
Contributed input maps for Sindhi
m17n-contrib-sinhala -
Contributed input maps for Sinhala
m17n-contrib-tai -
Contributed input maps for Tai
m17n-contrib-tamil -
Contributed input maps for Tamil
m17n-contrib-telugu -
Contributed input maps for Telugu
m17n-contrib-urdu -
Contributed input maps for Urdu
m17n-contrib-vietnamese -
Contributed input maps for Vietnamese
m17n-lib -
Multilingual text library
m2crypto -
Support for using OpenSSL in python scripts
mesa-dri1-drivers -
Mesa graphics libraries
mesa-libEGL -
Mesa libEGL runtime libraries
mesa-libGL -
Mesa libGL runtime libraries and DRI drivers
mesa-libGLU -
Mesa libGLU runtime library
mesa-libGLw -
Xt / Motif OpenGL widgets
mesa-libOSMesa -
Mesa offscreen rendering libraries
mesa-libgbm -
Mesa gbm library
mesa-libxatracker -
Mesa XA state tracker for vmware
mesa-private-llvm -
llvm engine for Mesa
mingw32-readline -
MinGW port of readline for editing typed command lines
minizip -
Minizip manipulates files from a .zip archive
mod_wsgi -
A WSGI interface for Python web applications in Apache
mtdev -
Multitouch Protocol Translation Library
mtdev-devel -
Multitouch Protocol Translation Library Development Package
mysql-connector-java -
Official JDBC driver for MySQL
ncurses-libs -
Ncurses libraries
neon -
An HTTP and WebDAV client library
netcf -
Cross-platform network configuration library
netcf-libs -
Libraries for netcf
newt -
A library for text mode user interfaces
nfs-utils-lib -
Network File System Support Library
nspr -
Netscape Portable Runtime
nss -
Network Security Services
nss-softokn -
Network Security Services Softoken Module
nss-util -
Network Security Services Utilities Library
nss_compat_ossl -
Source-level compatibility library for OpenSSL to NSS porting
nss_db -
An NSS library for the Berkeley DB
numactl-devel -
Development package for building Applications that use numa
nuxwdog -
Watchdog server to start and stop processes, and prompt for passwords
nuxwdog-client-java -
Nuxwdog Watchdog client JNI Package
ocaml-labltk -
Tk bindings for Objective Caml
ocaml-runtime -
Objective Caml runtime environment
ocaml-x11 -
X11 support for Objective Caml
openaislib -
The openais Standards-Based Cluster Framework libraries
opencryptoki-libs -
The runtime libraries for opencryptoki package
openhpi-libs -
The system libraries for the openhpi project
openhpi32-libs -
The system libraries for the OpenHPI project
openjpeg-libs -
JPEG 2000 codec library
openmotif -
Open Motif runtime libraries and executables
openscap -
Set of open source libraries enabling integration of the SCAP line of standards
openslp -
Open implementation of Service Location Protocol V2
opensm-libs -
Libraries used by opensm and included utilities
openssl -
A general purpose cryptography library with TLS implementation
openssl098e -
A compatibility version of a general cryptography and TLS library
openwsman-client -
Openwsman Client libraries
osutil -
Operating System Utilities JNI Package
pango -
System for layout and rendering of internationalized text
pciutils-devel-static -
Linux PCI static library
pciutils-libs -
Linux PCI library
pcp-conf -
Performance Co-Pilot run-time configuration
pcp-libs -
Performance Co-Pilot run-time libraries
pcre -
Perl-compatible regular expression library
pcsc-lite-libs -
PC/SC Lite libraries
php-embedded -
PHP library for embedding in applications
php-enchant -
Human Language and Character Encoding Support
php-intl -
Internationalization extension for PHP applications
php-pspell -
A module for PHP applications for using pspell interfaces
php-recode -
A module for PHP applications for using the recode library
pixman -
Pixel manipulation library
pki-symkey -
Symmetric Key JNI Package
polkit -
PolicyKit Authorization Framework
poppler-qt -
Qt3 wrapper for poppler
poppler-qt4 -
Qt4 wrapper for poppler
pstoufr2cpca -
Canon UFR II Printer Driver - CUPS filter
ptlib -
Portable Tools Library
pulseaudio-libs -
Libraries for PulseAudio clients
pulseaudio-libs-glib2 -
GLIB 2.x bindings for PulseAudio clients
pulseaudio-libs-zeroconf -
Zeroconf support for PulseAudio clients
pykickstart -
A python library for manipulating kickstart files
pyparted -
Python module for GNU parted
python-clufter -
Library for transforming/analyzing cluster configuration formats
python-configshell -
A framework to implement simple but nice CLIs
python-dmidecode -
Python module to access DMI data
python-ethtool -
Ethernet settings python bindings
python-imaging -
Python's own image processing library
python-imaging-sane -
Python Module for using scanners
python-imaging-tk -
Tk interface for python-imaging
python-ipaddr -
Library for easy IPv4 and IPv6 handling
python-kerberos -
A high-level wrapper for Kerberos (GSSAPI) operations
python-linux-procfs -
Linux /proc abstraction classes
python-meh -
A python library for handling exceptions
python-paste -
Tools for using a Web Server Gateway Interface stack
python-paste-script -
A pluggable command-line frontend
python-pyasn1 -
ASN.1 tools for Python
python-rtslib -
API for RisingTide Systems generic SCSI target
python-saslwrapper -
Python bindings for saslwrapper.
python-schedutils -
Linux scheduler python bindings
python-simpleparse -
A simple and fast parser generator
python-slip -
Miscellaneous convenience, extension and workaround code for Python
python-slip-dbus -
Convenience functions for dbus services
python-slip-gtk -
Code to make auto-wrapping gtk labels
python-volume_key -
Python bindings for libvolume_key
qpid-cpp-client -
Libraries for Qpid C++ client applications
qpid-cpp-client-rdma -
RDMA Protocol support (including Infiniband) for Qpid clients
qpid-cpp-client-ssl -
SSL support for Qpid clients
qpid-cpp-server-rdma -
RDMA Protocol support (including Infiniband) for the Qpid daemon
qpid-cpp-server-ssl -
SSL support for the Qpid daemon
qpid-cpp-server-store -
Red Hat persistence extension to the Qpid messaging system
qpid-cpp-server-xml -
XML extensions for the Qpid daemon
qpid-qmf -
The Qpid Management Framework
qt -
Qt toolkit
qt-mysql -
MySQL driver for Qt's SQL classes
qt-odbc -
ODBC driver for Qt's SQL classes
qt-postgresql -
PostgreSQL driver for Qt's SQL classes
qt-sqlite -
SQLite driver for Qt's SQL classes
qt-x11 -
Qt GUI-related libraries
qt3 -
The shared library for the Qt 3 GUI toolkit
qt3-MySQL -
MySQL drivers for Qt 3's SQL classes
qt3-ODBC -
ODBC drivers for Qt 3's SQL classes
qt3-PostgreSQL -
PostgreSQL drivers for Qt 3's SQL classes
qt3-sqlite -
sqlite drivers for Qt 3's SQL classes
raptor -
Raptor RDF Parser Toolkit for Redland
readline -
A library for editing typed command lines
report -
Incident reporting library
report-config-ftp -
Config for reporter to ftp
report-config-localsave -
Config for reporter to ftp
report-config-scp -
Config for reporter to ftp
report-gtk -
GTK IO for reporting library
report-newt -
Newt IO for reporting library
report-plugin-ftp -
Plugin template reporter to ftp
report-plugin-localsave -
Plugin template reporter to local directory
report-plugin-scp -
Plugin template reporter to scp
rest -
A library for access to RESTful web services
ruby-qpid-qmf -
The QPID Management Framework bindings for ruby
ruby-saslwrapper -
Ruby bindings for saslwrapper.
sane-backends -
Scanner access software
sane-backends-libs -
SANE libraries
sane-backends-libs-gphoto2 -
SANE libraries for gphoto2
sanlock-lib -
A shared disk lock manager library
saslwrapper -
Ruby and Python wrappers for the cyrus sasl library.
saslwrapper-devel -
Header files for developing with saslwrapper.
satyr -
Tools to create anonymous, machine-friendly problem reports
sendmail-milter -
The sendmail milter library
sg3_utils-libs -
Shared library for sg3_utils
sicgsfilter -
Canon CQue cups foomatic filter
sigar -
System Information Gatherer And Reporter
snappy -
Fast compression and decompression library
spice-gtk -
A GTK+ widget for SPICE clients
spice-server -
Implements the server side of the SPICE protocol
suitesparse -
A collection of sparse matrix libraries
tcp_wrappers-libs -
Libraries for tcp_wrappers
tomcatjss -
JSSE implementation using JSS for Tomcat
trousers -
TCG's Software Stack v1.2
udisks -
Storage Management Service
unicap -
Library to access different kinds of (video) capture devices
unixODBC -
A complete ODBC driver manager for Linux
unixODBC-kde -
KDE driver manager components for ODBC
usbredir -
USB network redirection protocol libraries
volume_key-libs -
A library for manipulating storage encryption keys and passphrases
xcb-util -
Convenience libraries sitting on top of libxcb
xcb-util-devel -
Development and header files for xcb-util
xcb-util-image -
Port of Xlib's XImage and XShmImage functions on top of libxcb
xcb-util-image-devel -
Development and header files for xcb-util-image
xcb-util-keysyms -
Standard X key constants and keycodes conversion on top of libxcb
xcb-util-keysyms-devel -
Development and header files for xcb-util-keysyms
xcb-util-renderutil -
Convenience functions for the Render extension
xcb-util-renderutil-devel -
Development and header files for xcb-util-renderutil
xcb-util-wm -
Client and window-manager helper library on top of libxcb
xcb-util-wm-devel -
Development and header files for xcb-util-vm
xmlrpc-c -
A lightweight RPC library based on XML and HTTP
xmlrpc-c-c++ -
C++ libraries for xmlrpc-c
xmlrpc-c-client -
C client libraries for xmlrpc-c
xmlrpc-c-client++ -
C++ client libraries for xmlrpc-c
xmlsec1 -
Library providing support for "XML Signature" and "XML Encryption" standards
xorg-x11-glamor -
X.org glamor library
xorg-x11-xtrans-devel -
X.Org X11 developmental X transport library
xz-libs -
Libraries for decoding LZMA compression
zlib -
The zlib compression and decompression library