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system environment/base

yum-plugin-protect-packages - Yum plugin to prevents Yum from removing itself and other protected packages

License: GPLv2+
this plugin prevents Yum from removing itself and other protected packages.
By default, yum is the only package protected, but by extension this
automatically protects everything on which yum depends (rpm, python, glibc,
and so on).Therefore, the plugin functions well even without
compiling careful lists of all important packages.


yum-plugin-protect-packages-1.1.26-11.el6.noarch [10 KiB] Changelog by James Antill (2010-07-14):
- Fix minor return code bugs in updateonboot initscript.
- Resolves: rhbz#536770

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-1.el6