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"SLC6X: Letter K: kmod-aacraid

kmod-aacraid - aacraid kernel module(s)

License: Adaptec
Vendor: CERN,
This package provides the aacraid kernel modules built for
the Linux kernel 2.6.32-220.13.1.el6.i686 for the i686
family of processors.


kmod-aacraid-1.1.7_28700-7.slc6.i686 [571 KiB] Changelog by Jaroslaw Polok (2012-04-27):
- added obsolete for aacraid.
kmod-aacraid-1.1.7_28700-6.slc6.i686 [571 KiB] Changelog by Jaroslaw Polok (2012-03-16):
- changed packaging for SLC6, following RHEL6 kmod packaging.

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