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"SLC6X: applications/system: yum-autoupdate

yum-autoupdate - yum autoupdate setup for Scientific Linux CERN

License: GPL
Vendor: CERN
The yum-autoupdate  package contains Scientific Linux CERN setup for
automatic system updates using yum.


yum-autoupdate-4.5.1-2.slc6.src [15 KiB] Changelog by Jaroslaw Polok (2018-12-03):
- Fix logging on port 514 to http.
- Fix sed command removing the carriage returns
yum-autoupdate-4.5.1-1.slc6.src [14 KiB] Changelog by Jaroslaw Polok (2017-11-08):
- remove yum-firstboot
yum-autoupdate-4.4.6-2.slc6.src [14 KiB] Changelog by Jaroslaw Polok (2016-03-01):
- fixing nmap(-ncat) detection.
yum-autoupdate-4.4.5-2.slc6.src [14 KiB] Changelog by Jaroslaw Polok (2016-03-01):
- fixing nmap(-ncat) detection.
yum-autoupdate-4.4.4-1.slc6.src [14 KiB] Changelog by Jaroslaw Polok (2016-02-29):
- fixed systemd file.
yum-autoupdate-4.3.1-1.slc6.src [13 KiB] Changelog by Jaroslaw Polok (2014-02-04):
- label cron job as config
- add YUMUPDATEMETHOD for allowing use of 'yum distro-sync'
  instead of 'yum update'
yum-autoupdate-4.3-5.slc6.src [13 KiB] Changelog by Thomas Oulevey (2012-10-10):
- fixed empty email on slc6
yum-autoupdate-4.3-4.slc6.src [13 KiB] Changelog by Jaroslaw Polok (2011-10-05):
- added preun scriplet in spec.
yum-autoupdate-4.3-3.slc6.src [13 KiB] Changelog by Jaroslaw Polok (2011-07-11):
- added YUMUPDATESECONLY option on slc5/6 - to apply only
  security updates if enabled.
yum-autoupdate-4.2.1-3.slc6.src [12 KiB] Changelog by Jaroslaw Polok (2011-02-10):
- handle plymouth on boot for SLC6

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