CentOS 7 - Updates for x86_64: applications/emulators
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UEFI firmware for x86_64 virtual machines
advancecomp -
Recompression utilities for .PNG, .MNG and .ZIP files
gnome-boxes -
A simple GNOME 3 application to access remote or virtual systems
qt-qvfb -
Virtual frame buffer for Qt for Embedded Linux
seabios -
Open-source legacy BIOS implementation
seabios-bin -
Seabios for x86
seavgabios-bin -
Seavgabios for x86
sgabios -
Open-source serial graphics BIOS option rom
sgabios-bin -
Sgabios for x86
virt-install -
Utilities for installing virtual machines
virt-manager -
Desktop tool for managing virtual machines via libvirt
virt-manager-common -
Common files used by the different Virtual Machine Manager interfaces