system environment/libraries
- ceph-libs-compat - Meta package to include ceph libraries
- ceph-test - Ceph benchmarks and test tools
- cephfs-java - Java libraries for the Ceph File System
- libcephfs1 - Ceph distributed file system client library
- libcephfs_jni1 - Java Native Interface library for CephFS Java bindings
- libcephfs_jni1-devel - Development files for CephFS Java Native Interface library
- librados2 - RADOS distributed object store client library
- libradosstriper1 - RADOS striping interface
- librbd1 - RADOS block device client library
- python-ceph-compat - Compatibility package for Cephs python libraries
- python-cephfs - Python libraries for Ceph distributed file system
- python-rados - Python libraries for the RADOS object store
- python-rbd - Python libraries for the RADOS block device
- rest-bench - RESTful benchmark
- userspace-rcu - RCU (read-copy-update) implementation in user space