CentOS 7 - Cloud for x86_64: unspecified: python2-cinderlib-tests-functional
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python2-cinderlib-tests-functional - Cinderlib unit tests
- Description:
This package contains the functional tests for cinderlib.
The Cinder Library, also known as cinderlib, is a Python library that leverages
the Cinder project to provide an object oriented abstraction around Cinder's
storage drivers to allow their usage directly without running any of the Cinder
services or surrounding services, such as KeyStone, MySQL or RabbitMQ.
The library is intended for developers who only need the basic CRUD
functionality of the drivers and don't care for all the additional features
Cinder provides such as quotas, replication, multi-tenancy, migrations,
retyping, scheduling, backups, authorization, authentication, REST API, etc.