CentOS 7 - Cloud for x86_64: development/languages
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GitPython -
Python Git Library
babel -
Tools for internationalizing Python applications
babel-doc -
Documentation for Babel
erlang -
General-purpose programming language and runtime environment
erlang-appmon -
A utility used to supervise Applications executing on several Erlang nodes
erlang-asn1 -
Provides support for Abstract Syntax Notation One
erlang-common_test -
A portable framework for automatic testing
erlang-compiler -
A byte code compiler for Erlang which produces highly compact code
erlang-cosEvent -
Orber OMG Event Service
erlang-cosEventDomain -
Orber OMG Event Domain Service
erlang-cosFileTransfer -
Orber OMG File Transfer Service
erlang-cosNotification -
Orber OMG Notification Service
erlang-cosProperty -
Orber OMG Property Service
erlang-cosTime -
Orber OMG Timer and TimerEvent Service
erlang-cosTransactions -
Orber OMG Transaction Service
erlang-crypto -
Cryptographical support
erlang-debugger -
A debugger for debugging and testing of Erlang programs
erlang-dialyzer -
A DIscrepancy AnaLYZer for ERlang programs
erlang-diameter -
Diameter (RFC 3588) library
erlang-doc -
Erlang documentation
erlang-edoc -
A utility used to generate documentation out of tags in source files
erlang-eldap -
Erlang LDAP library
erlang-erl_docgen -
A utility used to generate erlang HTML documentation
erlang-erl_interface -
Low level interface to C
erlang-erts -
Functionality necessary to run the Erlang System itself
erlang-et -
An event tracer for Erlang programs
erlang-eunit -
Support for unit testing
erlang-examples -
Examples for some Erlang modules
erlang-gs -
A library for Tcl/Tk support in Erlang
erlang-hipe -
High Performance Erlang
erlang-ic -
IDL compiler
erlang-inets -
A set of services such as a Web server and a ftp client etc
erlang-jinterface -
A library for accessing Java from Erlang
erlang-kernel -
Main erlang library
erlang-megaco -
Megaco/H.248 support library
erlang-mnesia -
A heavy duty real-time distributed database
erlang-mustache -
Mustache template engine for Erlang
erlang-observer -
A set of tools for tracing and investigation of distributed systems
erlang-odbc -
A library for unixODBC support in Erlang
erlang-orber -
A CORBA Object Request Broker
erlang-os_mon -
A monitor which allows inspection of the underlying operating system
erlang-ose -
A module for interacting with Enea OSE
erlang-otp_mibs -
SNMP management information base for Erlang/OTP nodes
erlang-parsetools -
A set of parsing and lexical analysis tools
erlang-percept -
A concurrency profiler tool
erlang-pman -
A graphical process manager used to inspect Erlang processes
erlang-public_key -
API to public key infrastructure
erlang-reltool -
A release management tool
erlang-runtime_tools -
A set of tools to include in a production system
erlang-sasl -
The System Architecture Support Libraries
erlang-sd_notify -
Erlang interface to systemd notify subsystem
erlang-snmp -
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) support
erlang-ssh -
Secure Shell application with sftp and ssh support
erlang-ssl -
Secure Socket Layer support
erlang-stdlib -
The Erlang standard libraries
erlang-syntax_tools -
A set of tools for dealing with erlang sources
erlang-test_server -
The OTP Test Server
erlang-toolbar -
A tool bar simplifying access to the Erlang tools
erlang-tools -
A set of programming tools including a coverage analyzer etc
erlang-tv -
An ETS and MNESIA graphical table visualizer
erlang-typer -
TYPe annotator for ERlang programs
erlang-webtool -
A tool that simplifying the use of web based Erlang tools
erlang-wx -
A library for wxWidgets support in Erlang
erlang-xmerl -
Provides support for XML 1.0
instack -
OpenStack installation tool for diskimage-builder style elements
instack-undercloud -
Installation tools to install an undercloud via instack
nodejs -
JavaScript runtime
nodejs-devel -
JavaScript runtime - development headers
npm -
Node.js Package Manager
pytest -
Simple powerful testing with Python
python-BeautifulSoup -
HTML/XML parser for quick-turnaround applications like screen-scraping
python-amqp -
Low-level AMQP client for Python (fork of amqplib)
python-amqplib -
Client library for AMQP
python-anyjson -
Wraps the best available JSON implementation available
python-astroid -
Python Abstract Syntax Tree New Generation
python-babel -
Library for internationalizing Python applications
python-beautifulsoup4 -
HTML/XML parser for quick-turnaround applications like screen-scraping
python-blist -
A faster list implementation for Python
python-boto -
A simple, lightweight interface to Amazon Web Services
python-ceilometerclient -
Python API and CLI for OpenStack Ceilometer
python-d2to1 -
Allows using distutils2-like setup.cfg files with setup.py
python-daemon -
Library to implement a well-behaved Unix daemon process
python-dateutil -
Powerful extensions to the standard datetime module
python-dateutil-doc -
API documentation for python-dateutil
python-django -
A high-level Python Web framework
python-django-bash-completion -
bash completion files for Django
python-dns -
DNS toolkit for Python
python-elasticsearch -
Client for Elasticsearch
python-empy -
A powerful and robust template system for Python
python-enum -
Robust enumerated type support in Python
python-flake8 -
Code checking using pep8 and pyflakes
python-gitdb -
A pure-Python git object database
python-heatclient -
Python API and CLI for OpenStack Heat
python-iso8601 -
Simple module to parse ISO 8601 dates
python-isodate -
An ISO 8601 date/time/duration parser and formatter
python-keyczar -
Toolkit for safe and simple cryptography
python-kombu -
An AMQP Messaging Framework for Python
python-lockfile -
A platform-independent file locking module
python-meld3 -
HTML/XML templating system for Python
python-migrate -
Schema migration tools for SQLAlchemy
python-mimeparse -
Python module for parsing mime-type names
python-mox -
Mock object framework
python-nose -
Discovery-based unittest extension for Python
python-novaclient -
Python API and CLI for OpenStack Nova
python-numexpr -
Fast numerical array expression evaluator for Python and NumPy
python-ordereddict -
Implementation of Python 2.7's OrderedDict
python-pandas -
Python library providing high-performance data analysis tools
python-pep8 -
Python style guide checker
python-posix_ipc -
POSIX IPC primitives (semaphores and shared memory) for Python
python-prettytable -
Python library to display tabular data in tables
python-psutil -
A process and system utilities module for Python
python-py -
Library with cross-python path, ini-parsing, io, code, log facilities
python-pymongo -
Python driver for MongoDB
python-rdflib -
Python library for working with RDF
python-repoze-who -
An identification and authentication framework for WSGI
python-routes -
Rails-like routes for Python
python-scripttest -
Helper to test command-line scripts
python-simplegeneric -
Simple generic functions (similar to Python's own len(), pickle.dump(), etc.)
python-six -
Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities
python-sqlparse -
Non-validating SQL parser for Python
python-stevedore -
Manage dynamic plugins for Python applications
python-tables -
Hierarchical datasets in Python
python-tables-doc -
Documentation for PyTables
python-tempita -
A very small text templating language
python-voluptuous -
A Python data validation library
python-webtest -
Helper to test WSGI applications
python2-bottle -
Fast and simple WSGI-framework for small web-applications
python2-demjson -
Python JSON module and lint checker
python2-gflags -
Commandline flags module for Python 2
python2-meld3 -
HTML/XML templating system for Python
python2-numexpr -
Fast numerical array expression evaluator for Python and NumPy
python2-numpy -
A fast multidimensional array facility for Python
python2-oauth2client -
Python client library for OAuth 2.0
python2-oslo-config -
OpenStack common configuration library
python2-oslo-config-doc -
Documentation for OpenStack common configuration library
python2-pyroute2 -
Pure Python netlink library
ruby-augeas -
Ruby bindings for Augeas
rubygem-nokogiri -
An HTML, XML, SAX, and Reader parser
rubygem-rgen -
Ruby Modelling and Generator Framework