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CentOS 7 - SCL for x86_64: development/libraries: rh-ruby30-rubygem-rss

rh-ruby30-rubygem-rss - Family of libraries that support various formats of XML "feeds"

License: BSD
Vendor: CentOS
Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is a family of formats that describe 'feeds',
specially constructed XML documents that allow an interested person to subscribe
and receive updates from a particular web service. This library provides tooling
to read and create these feeds.


rh-ruby30-rubygem-rss-0.2.9-148.el7.noarch [153 KiB] Changelog by Jarek Prokop (2021-07-28):
- Upgrade to Ruby 3.0.2.
- Fix command injection vulnerability in RDoc. (CVE-2021-31799)
  Resolves: rhbz#1995172
- Fix FTP PASV command response can cause Net::FTP to connect to arbitrary host.
  Resolves: rhbz#1995174
- Fix StartTLS stripping vulnerability in Net::IMAP. (CVE-2021-32066)
  Resolves: rhbz#1995173
- Fix dependencies of gems with explicit source installed from a
  different source. (CVE-2020-36327)
  Resolves: rhbz#1968497
- Re-enable SSL tests.
- Fix some failing Bundler tests with old Git.
rh-ruby30-rubygem-rss-0.2.9-147.el7.noarch [152 KiB] Changelog by Jun Aruga (2021-04-23):
- Upgrade to Ruby 3.0.1.
  Resolves: rhbz#1947933
  Resolves: CVE-2021-28965

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