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CentOS 7 - SCL for x86_64: development/libraries: devtoolset-4-eclipse-ptp-sdm

devtoolset-4-eclipse-ptp-sdm - PTP Scalable Debug Manager (SDM)

License: EPL
Vendor: CentOS
Parallel Tools Platform components that implement a parallel debug server
using the Scalable Debug Manager (SDM).

NOTE: The sdm binary for the architecture of the host machine is available
in the sdm plugin and at /opt/rh/devtoolset-4/root/usr/lib64/ptp/sdm.  If the target system is of
a different archicture, you will need to build and install it by hand.


devtoolset-4-eclipse-ptp-sdm-9.0.1-1.2.el7.x86_64 [3.5 MiB] Changelog by Mat Booth (2016-02-29):
- Rebuild 2016-02-29
devtoolset-4-eclipse-ptp-sdm-9.0.0-1.3.el7.x86_64 [3.5 MiB] Changelog by Mat Booth (2015-07-20):
- Disable optimisation that generates no-strict-overflow warning instead of
  simply disabling the warning

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