system environment/libraries
- jemalloc - General-purpose scalable concurrent malloc implementation
- libntirpc - New Transport Independent RPC Library
- libntirpc-devel - Development headers for libntirpc
- libssh - A library implementing the SSH protocol
- libstoraged - Dynamic library to access the storaged daemon
- ntirpc - New Transport Independent RPC Library
- ntirpc-devel - Development headers for ntirpc
- python-cpopen - Creates a sub-process in simpler safer manner
- python-httplib2 - A comprehensive HTTP client library
- python-ply - Python Lex-Yacc
- python-pthreading - Re-implement threading.Lock, RLock and Condition with libpthread
- storaged - Disk Manager
- storaged-iscsi - Module for iSCSI
- storaged-lvm2 - Module for LVM2
- userspace-rcu - RCU (read-copy-update) implementation in user space