system environment/libraries
- Xaw3d - A version of the MIT Athena widget set for X
- apiextractor - Library headers parser to extract API information
- boost159 - The free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries
- boost159-atomic - Run-Time component of boost atomic library
- boost159-chrono - Run-Time component of boost chrono library
- boost159-container - Run-Time component of boost container library
- boost159-context - Run-Time component of boost context switching library
- boost159-coroutine - Run-Time component of boost coroutine library
- boost159-date-time - Run-Time component of boost date-time library
- boost159-filesystem - Run-Time component of boost filesystem library
- boost159-graph - Run-Time component of boost graph library
- boost159-graph-mpich - Run-Time component of parallel boost graph library
- boost159-graph-openmpi - Run-Time component of parallel boost graph library
- boost159-iostreams - Run-Time component of boost iostreams library
- boost159-locale - Run-Time component of boost locale library
- boost159-log - Run-Time component of boost logging library
- boost159-math - Math functions for boost TR1 library
- boost159-mpich - Run-Time component of Boost.MPI library
- boost159-mpich-devel - Shared library symbolic links for Boost.MPI
- boost159-mpich-python - Python run-time component of Boost.MPI library
- boost159-openmpi - Run-Time component of Boost.MPI library
- boost159-openmpi-devel - Shared library symbolic links for Boost.MPI
- boost159-openmpi-python - Python run-time component of Boost.MPI library
- boost159-program-options - Run-Time component of boost program_options library
- boost159-python - Run-Time component of boost python library
- boost159-random - Run-Time component of boost random library
- boost159-regex - Run-Time component of boost regular expression library
- boost159-serialization - Run-Time component of boost serialization library
- boost159-signals - Run-Time component of boost signals and slots library
- boost159-system - Run-Time component of boost system support library
- boost159-test - Run-Time component of boost test library
- boost159-thread - Run-Time component of boost thread library
- boost159-timer - Run-Time component of boost timer library
- boost159-wave - Run-Time component of boost C99/C++ pre-processing library
- hdf5 - A general purpose library and file format for storing scientific data
- jemalloc - General-purpose scalable concurrent malloc implementation
- libdb4 - The Berkeley DB database library (version 4) for C
- libdb4-cxx - The Berkeley DB database library (version 4) for C++
- libdb4-java - Development files for using the Berkeley DB (version 4) with Java
- oniguruma - Regular expressions library
- openpgm - An implementation of the PGM reliable multicast protocol
- python-dtopt - Add options to doctest examples while they are running
- python-paste-deploy - Load, configure, and compose WSGI applications and servers
- python-qpid-proton - Python language bindings for the Qpid Proton messaging framework
- python-simplejson - Simple, fast, extensible JSON encoder/decoder for Python
- python-webob - WSGI request and response object
- python2-coverage - Code coverage testing module for Python 2
- python2-pydot - Python2 interface to Graphviz's Dot language
- python2-qpid-proton - Python language bindings for the Qpid Proton messaging framework
- qpid-proton-c - C libraries for Qpid Proton
- qpid-proton-c-docs - Documentation for the C development libraries for Qpid Proton
- qpid-proton-cpp - C++ libraries for Qpid Proton
- qpid-proton-cpp-docs - Documentation for the C++ development libraries for Qpid Proton
- ruby-shadow - Ruby bindings for shadow password access
- shiboken-libs - CPython bindings generator for C++ libraries - shared library
- v8 - JavaScript Engine
- wxBase - Non-GUI support classes from the wxWidgets library
- wxGTK - GTK2 port of the wxWidgets GUI library
- wxGTK-gl - OpenGL add-on for the wxWidgets library
- wxGTK-media - Multimedia add-on for the wxWidgets library
- xqilla - XQuery and XPath 2.0 library, built on top of Xerces-C
- zeromq - Software library for fast, message-based applications